School cancels ‘America Day’ to be ‘inclusive and safe’ – IOTW Report

School cancels ‘America Day’ to be ‘inclusive and safe’

Students celebrate it anyway!

EAG News: JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. – Students at Jackson Hole High School are defying their school’s decision to cancel America Day for the sake of political correctness.

America Day photos
“It’s homecoming week and our school administration thought it was too ‘offensive’ to have an America Pride Day! So this is my kids answer to that!” parent Ted Dawson posted to Facebook with a picture of his kids decked out in patriotic attire.

“Where have we gone so wrong! I don’t care what race or religion you are, you live here, benefit from the schools, enjoy tax benefits or whatever – your (sic) an American or at least you better be!”

read more here

24 Comments on School cancels ‘America Day’ to be ‘inclusive and safe’

  1. Jackson, WY, like a lot of the nicest places in the country has been infiltrated by leftist scum bailing out of the hell they have created in other formerly great places (cough California, cough).

  2. The schools of America are nearing their tipping point. Either they push back and push back hard or no self-respecting parent will be crazy enough to send their kids there.

  3. Jackson is nothing more than a putrid leftist-occupied zone in this state. It’s within our borders, but definitely not part of Wyoming.

    That school’s anti-America bullsh*t wouldn’t fly anywhere else around here — not even Laramie!

  4. LOL John F., more loony than Laradise ?!
    Wyo is definitely closer to God than most states.
    J Hole is the only place I have not seen in the Equality State (junior is attending UW). Love WY

  5. I’m glad to see the students give The Flying Fickle Finger to the school administration, and for the parents backing up their children. There are tomorrow’s conservative leadership.

  6. Wyoming resident here…. the story is a little bit hyped up, not quite this exciting in real time. But still. Glad it got some notice. Jackson is California people. It is one of a few towns in WY that are not Wyoming at all. It’s being run by liberals and they plan to keep it that way, however there are some people with brains left here.

    By the way, the hispanic kids, south american kids, mexican kids and spanish kids… (you pick what title you want) are for the most part absolutely fine with America Day in Jackson. It was a teacher who decided it might hurt them. AS usual.

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