Jennifer Aniston Mocks People Who Fly On “Ordinary Planes” in Muslim Ad – IOTW Report

Jennifer Aniston Mocks People Who Fly On “Ordinary Planes” in Muslim Ad

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Isn’t it a micro-aggression to make me feel like crap because I can’t afford a $25,000 airline ticket?

Also, Drinks on a Muslim plane?


23 Comments on Jennifer Aniston Mocks People Who Fly On “Ordinary Planes” in Muslim Ad

  1. didn’t gay boy brad dump her for that tattooed up slut jolie? what was up with that?

    I find it hard to really care about these “celebrities”, their brain farts and what ever fad they are selling, I have nothing in common with them.

  2. This ad perfectly captures the snot-nosed, elitist attitude of those hypocritical leftards.
    And in the next breath, she would be damning man-made pollution and hugging a tree.
    Besides, I’ve never found her the least bit attractive.

  3. Never understood why Emirates would choose a WHITE, BLONDE, FEMALE to be their spokesperson . The alcohol issue is interesting, too. (I’ve noticed so many C-stores, liquor stores, discount tobacco stores, etc owned and employing Muslims even around my little world of central Texas and always wondered “WTH”?

  4. Well, at least she proves that even idiots can be useful by pointing out the hypocrisy of a muzzie airline violating a tenant of islime by serving alcohol.

    But then what isn’t hypocritical from a cult founded by a pedophile?

  5. When your career is tanked, when the lines in your face grow more pronounced despite thousands spent on special facials, when you long for the days of Hollywood Squares B-list day-work, when… you start doing ads for third-world airlines.

    By the way, the Mideastern airlines are government subsidized, and under current international agreements, shouldn’t even be allowed to fly into the US. But when you Muslim presidenté will it, it happens.

  6. When I started flying, airlines were paying three cents a gallon for kerosene “in bond”…the sand monkey airlines still pay that price and are bankrupting all civilized airlines(see Air France) and soon will own all of them…WELCOME TO THE ARABIAN SKY

  7. Not to mention the muzz flight attendant who refused to serve alcohol on an American/domestic airline. The jerks want it they way they want it when they want it to benefit their agenda. Spit.

  8. I don’t have a problem with Aniston making money from the UAE if they’re will to pay. Hell, most of the Hollywood crowd does foreign commercials that we never see and some are quite bizarre. Besides I suspect that it was a western as company the created the ad with western writers and a western crew and they also did the ad buys. That’s a pile of money on top of what Aniston is getting out of the hands of some middle eastern types.

    I gather a couple if years ago UAE Airlines try a bully boy approach to get more gates at Toronto’s Pearson Airport by blackmailing Canada using the military transfer point in the UAE for Canadian Troops and Equipment to and from Afganistan. This went back and forth until the UAE denied landing rights to a plane carrying our Defence Minister and forced the base closure.. The UAE then actively paid off er, lobbied other conuntries to reject Canada for a seat on the UN Security Council. After our PM Harper got elected with a majority he basically told the UAE to pound sand. I wouldn’t trust the UAE with a bag of dirt., Terrorists have come from there along with financing. Just like the Saudi’s they try to buy these bastards off to save there own asses but then that only works for awhile.

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