Then he’ll move on to restrictions with the 1st amendment.



  1. The filthy, pile of rancid black dog shit can sign his mark as much as he wants but he has absolutely no authority to infringe on the inherent rights of the people. If he tries to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms or freedom of speech he will be committing an overt and gross criminal act.

  2. Actually, this is going to have to go in the opposite direction.

    I’ve just realized that there are members of my community that may not be able to get to a gov’t office to get a gov’t issued ID.

    Therefore, the courts are going to have to do away with any requirement to have an ID to get a gun because it places an unduly prohibitive requirement on people who are trying to exercise their constitutional right.

  3. I’m actually reading crap like the 2A is being hijacked. It’s time to take it back???

    Yaknow, for all of the pussy ass gun grabbers who are now saying, why confiscation is the furtherest thing from our minds, we just want “common sense gun control” whatever the fuck that means, we know how REgressives roll. Lets just cut the bullshit out. Let’s get right to what you want.

    Which is, all guns out of us pee-ons’ hands. So sign your bullshit EO and demand that we line up and turn in over 300 MILLION weapons. DO IT.

    And when we don’t, send your pussy ass storm troopers out to get them. And when we’re done with them, understand this, this second American Revolution won’t stop there.

    In the end, either you’ll win and there will be no more of us or we will, and the likes of every motherfucking totalitarian that wanted a defenseless society will be dead. We know the alternative to having our weapons confiscated and would rather die then cower, waiting for the cattle cars.

    So bring it on. Quit with your half assed baby steps. We won’t obey them, cut to the end game.

  4. I’m not so sure that any individual executive order that Obama would sign would mean a final showdown between Congress, POTUS and SCOTUS. Remember that the progressive’s approach to curtailing freedom is a lot of tiny cuts which taken individually don’t seem like much and may actually seem like common-sense until all the little cuts are finally taken together when you realize how screwed you’ve become (look at the history of gay legislation). Also remember that the majority of the main stream media would be behind them along with showbiz folks, the movers and shakers in Hollywood, the heads of the crony-capitalists firms he’s been working with (they’ll now find that the money wasn’t actually free). To battle this you’d have to have strong leaders in the both Houses willing to take him head on and to hell with their own personal ambitions and I’m afraid to say I don’t see that right now. This doesn’t the battle can’t be fought but it will take everyone from the Koch brothers to the Congress to small business owners to the mom at home or in the workforce to students who are shaking off the massive propaganda effort that they’ve been subject to for years to fight him and perhaps finally get the people to realize what the man is and the damage he’s done to your country and perhaps the world.

  5. Anybody who thinks 0bama gives a shit about any of the victims in Oregon probably still thinks their health care costs are going to be lower.

    Fuck 0bama and the rest of the gun-grabbing communists. What laws would have stopped any of the nuts, aside from a law that might say all mentally ill progtards must be locked up behind thick walls?

  6. When it come to “gun control”, his EO won’t mean a thing.

    First, he has this little issue called “implementation” to deal with. Couldn’t add anything more to what MM said above. Guns will never, under any circumstances, be taken from citizens without major bloodshed. If it comes to that the existing govt will not be left standing.

    Second, the EO will be repealed in ”16. If it isn’t repealed, then we’re back to the first point and it will be the defining moment for this country.

    Either way, the vast majority of citizens will never give up their guns. Never.

  7. Wasn’t it the progs that wanted to close all the mental hospitals and release the mentally ill into the community for out patient treatment? Once again, no vision on potential consequences of their actions.

  8. Jimmy and Rosalind Carter dumped thousands and thousands of people out of the state hospital systems based on their feelings. Rosalind insisted on being part of the presidential task force. There was no empirical data to support community based mental health services would be helpful in any way.

    Reagan inherited this.

  9. Barry outlaws guns, then take out a few hi-profile media types and listen for the screams from the left. Then the police state-martial law goes into effect.

    It’s a plan, I say.

  10. Anyone who wants a gun and still doesn’t have one just hasn’t been paying attention. WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Prices are low. inventories are high. Even ammo is cheap and available. I don’t care what new thing they come up with because I already have all I need.

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