Vox Writer Says He’s Keeping His Guns Because of the KuKluxKlan – IOTW Report

Vox Writer Says He’s Keeping His Guns Because of the KuKluxKlan

I read the piece. It talked about his father standing in the doorway of his boyhood home in Indiana while the KuKluxKlan marched down the street. So, this fear is embedded. Guns are for protection. And when you’re black, you need that protection.

Wanna see the writer?

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Jonathan Blanks

His father was black.

I don’t care if this guy’s father was Yaphet Kotto, you have to go out of your way, you would have to have a desire, yearning, need, reason, to be oppressed for your blackness if you look like this guy.

This would be like this mess, Professor Allison D. Papalopolopolis, worrying that she only got ahead because of her looks.


32 Comments on Vox Writer Says He’s Keeping His Guns Because of the KuKluxKlan

  1. If this guy needs to fear something, its not the Klan.

    Ferguson and Detroit aren’t burning to the ground because of the Klan. Murders in Chicago aren’t going up because of the Klan. If he ventures into the wrong neighborhood, most likely it won’t be the Klan that tries to take his life.

    He needs a gun for protection against “his own kind”. But he would be in even greater danger from “his own kind” if he said that out loud. No one will be mad if the Klan is made into a scapegoat.

  2. Well he should have a gun, whether to protect himself from the KKK or other. And law-abiding blacks should have guns, to protect themselves from KKK, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, whatever. And I’ll just keep mine, for the same reasons.

  3. I want to see him tap dance and shoot hoops …

    Does he seethe with rage at the mention of watermelon?
    Grits? Poke chitlins?

    How’s he feel about chicken and biscuits?
    with white gravy?

  4. ha…I read the little whiner’s diatribe ….. don’t bother with it…the essence of it comes in the beginning where his father says “…Deal with it [who you are] & move on.” …..then ignoring that sage advice he continues to whine on….& on…& on….& on…..
    …..whining loser…

  5. Not to burst his bubble, but….. DNA confirmation please? It’s a truly wise man who knows who his father is. Ahem. Just sayin’. Not to besmirch his mum’s reputation but it happens.

  6. I have to disagree. This jerkwad and anyone who agrees with his progtard point of view should NEVER have a gun, first because he’s much more likely to perpetrate a mass shooting than a sane person, and second because since he and people like him are the cause of the problem, they should be forced to experience the consequences of their assholiness.

  7. Isn’t that “professor” Papalopdingus chick the one that was pushing for global warming deniers to be put to death a few years ago at a conference in Sweden?
    Far be it for me to judge ones looks, but I think she photo-shopped her “special ed” helmet out of that photo.

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