Obama Stiffs Insurers on Reimbursements – IOTW Report

Obama Stiffs Insurers on Reimbursements

Insurance companies requested $2.9 billion from the government to cover their losses on Obamacare policies they wrote in 2014. They are only getting $362 million.


Turns out those “risk corridors” were more risky than insurers thought.


9 Comments on Obama Stiffs Insurers on Reimbursements

  1. And this surprises. . . . who?

    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”

    To all the health insurers that decided to ride the Gubberment gravy train, all I can say is, SUCKERS!!

    Unfortunately, it will be us, the little people, the consumers, that will have to suck it up and ultimately pay for this in higher rates and deductibles and less choices.

  2. Interesting that one Marilyn Tavenner is now the Chief Whore for Big Insurance—the former head of CMS who ‘oversaw’ the big steaming pile known as obamacare.org. Another ‘public servant’ now shaking down the feds via special access and feeding at the trough. Except there isn’t as much slop as they counted on.

    Damn fine thing.

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