Federal Prisons Eliminate Pork From Menu – IOTW Report

Federal Prisons Eliminate Pork From Menu

They claim the prisoners do not want it, and it has NOTHING to do with Muslims.

Yes, the non-Muslim prison population doesn’t want bacon. They want the turkey substitute that tastes like bacon, instead. I can definitely see that.


31 Comments on Federal Prisons Eliminate Pork From Menu

  1. 1 baloney sandwich, kraft cheese slice, white bread.
    1 milk
    1 water,
    1 fruit or
    1 vegetable. You can’t have both.

    You don’t like it? Don’t be in prison.

    —Anklestraps Penal Colony.

    *giggles* I said “penal”.

  2. Those assholes today don’t know how good they have it.
    I remember being processed into L.A. county jail in the 70s (for defending the honor of my girlfriend), about 23 hours between stepping of the LACJ bus and hearing the door slam on the 4-man cell on C-block, that’s how long it took to get booked in to that shithole. During that intensely aggravating process that includes a strip search, delousing hose down, involuntary blood donation, mug shots, and usually a couple of serious fights, the bastards rub salt in your wounds by feeding you a sandwich: a piece of sliced pig meat and a slice of hard stale cheese between two pieces of stale white bread. And you got one cup of very dark coffee that can also be used to remove grafiti from the walls. And an orange – the only thing safe to consume.

    The meat came from hogs raised and butchered by inmates at Wayside Honor Rancho which was a division of the L.A. county jail system in Castaic, CA up across the highway from Magic Mountain.

    Raising thier own cattle and hogs for food, the county saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars. And some of the inmates learned a trade.

    I ended up doing 30 days at the honor ranch, and the last week of that I spent in Wayside Max after a fight. We won’t even discuss the crap they give you to eat in maximum security. And the fuckers take your blanket away during the day. Assholes!

    Let me tell you, you had to be pretty fuckin hungry to eat that LA county jail food, but the grub up at Wayside was a little better. Maybe because it wasn’t 2 weeks old?

  3. This is an example of why the “Reply” button sucks. Just a couple of replies and the damn button disappears on the comment I want to reply to; so I have to reply to a different comment that still has a “Reply” button.

    Anyway, I can see you meant no harm by comparing me to a democrat, lol, and no offense taken. And I meant no offense with my comment.

    I’m not all the way awake yet today.

  4. I process mail-in petitions for my court. A fair number come from inmates–mostly from New York State jails, a few Federal pens, and very rarely from other state prisons. You wouldn’t believe the nonsensical petitions (which, under Section 216 (c) of The New York State Family Court Act of 1965, I am obligated to file) these guys send in. They want joint legal custody of children, physical custody of children, to suspend child support payments during incarceration (which contravenes the law), paternity declarations for children who already have legally adjudicated fathers based on 99.99% DNA results, paternity declarations for children who were taken away from an abusive/neglectful mother and were adopted, visitation with children over the age of 18 (at which point the state deems them adults and presumes them capable of making their own choices concerning personal association). And every last one of them wants to be personally produced for the hearings, which is not the usual policy of my court–appearances via phone are. Some of them have been abusive in their correspondence with me. One called me “a round-the-clock girl from the ‘hood;” another accused me of “violating (his) privacy” because I screened his case in the same manner in which I’ve screened any of the several thousand other cases in which I’ve filed petitions.

    We really need to keep inmates busy 16 hours a day with work and vocational training, so they don’t have the time to dream up these frivolities.

  5. Too bad you never had the chance to experience a steady diet of US Navy “box lunches” during extended non-stop aircraft carrier flight operations. After a few days of those, you wouldn’t shit right for a month…not to mention the extra protein niblets baked into the bread made from flour chock full of weevil and cockroach parts.

    “One man’s cheese is another man’s rotted milk.” — Louis Wu

  6. The menu looks good but I’ll bet the reality of what gets plopped on the plate is a lot different. I suspect that the pork was bounced because the prisons are filling up with a lot more muslims especially the conversions of convenience (or by intimidation) by the inmates. The cons better hope that the vegans never get the same idea and access to a bunch of underemployed lawyers.

  7. If by “keep inmates busy” you mean “pinioned at gallows”, I agree it would certainly keep them p̶r̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶m̶e̶r̶c̶y̶ free of frivolities.

  8. “… paternity declarations for children who already have legally adjudicated fathers based on 99.99% DNA results …”

    So, in contemporary America, there are 36,000 potential fathers, other than the one legally adjudicated?

    And they all look alike …

    (being a smartass, not a racist)

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