Man Credited With Saving Reagan’s Life Dies at 85 Years of Age – IOTW Report

Man Credited With Saving Reagan’s Life Dies at 85 Years of Age

Go to lefty sites and they are most likely cursing Parr. The left is vile and sick.

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Read about the American Hero HERE

ht/ illustr8r

7 Comments on Man Credited With Saving Reagan’s Life Dies at 85 Years of Age

  1. I remember that day very well. I was working on Second Avenue in midtown Manhattan. My office had the same exchange as The Daily News, whose building was right around the corner on East 42nd Street. I always knew when there was a big story because there’d be so many calls coming into the News that we couldn’t make outgoing calls.

    In those pre-Internet days, if something happened in the afternoon too late for the Post to report (it had an afternoon edition then), I wouldn’t find out about it until I got home.

  2. I was riding with an idiot to another job site when we heard on the radio President Reagan was shot. He said “why didn’t they kill that mf”!
    That was when I knew the left was bat shit crazy, baby killing, America hating fags.

    My conversion was complete. (I voted for Reagan in 80 after voting for the despicable jimma

  3. Similar story.
    I’ve told this story many times.
    I was pretty much apolitical when I was in college. Mostly right-wing, but had lefty tendencies on certain issues.

    I was in the student lounge. We heard about 3 o’clock. Someone came in and quieted everyone down and announced that Reagan had been shot. Before he could get to the part about him not being dead, people stood up and cheered and fist pumped.
    I saw one of my instructors raise two fists in the air and he had a huge smile on his face.

    I became a conservative that day. Whatever the left believes in I must work to make sure those beliefs are eradicated.
    They are vile, despicable, sick in the head cretins.

    If I heard Obama was shot and killed my first instinct would not be to fist pump and smile and be happy, unless, of course, Obama was the last progressive. He’s not.
    So, no need for celebration.

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