Please Don’t Bang the Livestock – IOTW Report

Please Don’t Bang the Livestock


A village in Germany has released a list of ground rules for migrants. The list covers matters of basic civility – like shopping and the Highway Code – to fundamental principles of Western society; like gender equality, not harassing young girls and learning the native language.

“Germany is a clean country and should remain so” states the document, reminding migrants that, in Germany, “We do our necessities exclusively on toilets, not in gardens and parks, not even in hedges and behind bushes.”

Hardheim, in Franconia Odenwald, is home to just 4,600 inhabitants. Yet approximately 1,000 refugees are currently housed in nearby Carl-Schurz-Kaserne.

Locals produced the document to help migrants integrate into their tightly knit community, and published it on the municipality website.

Some people online have accused the village of “racism,” however, and of indulging “stereotypes,” not respecting “German political tolerance,” and addressing migrant like “animals.” The page has now been taken down.

According to reproductions in the German media, they very politely began:

“Dear stranger, dear stranger! Welcome to Germany, welcome to Hardheim. Many of you have gone through terrible things. War, mortal danger, a perilous escape across half the world. That is over now. You are now in Germany.”

The document asks migrants to “learn as soon as possible the German language, so that we can communicate and you can bring your needs to express to us,” and to not make noise after 10pmin their small village.

Informing migrants they need to, “pay [for] goods at the grocery store before you open them” in Germany, and must not, “enter private property; no gardens, barns and other buildings and also not take fruit and vegetables that do not belong to you.”

More fundamental issue of Western law and culture, which migrants can struggle with, are also addressed:



20 Comments on Please Don’t Bang the Livestock

  1. Great headline! LMAO!
    Some idiot actually thinks these primitive ‘leopards’ can change their spots?
    Frau Merkel fucked up big time with this one.
    How long till schweineschnitzel and bratwurst are banned?

  2. Welcome to the beginning of the unimproved “Dark Ages”.

    History lesson: The anniversary of the stopping of the Caliphate’s march to conquer and rule the world was yesterday October 10, 732 in southern France.

    Stupid is as stupid does …

  3. Do you suppose it ever strikes these idiots that having to prepare such a document in the first place is overwhelming proof that they are effectively surrendering their country to an enemy??

    What is amazing is that in history, people actually fought to protect their holdings and only surrendered them after losing a war and suffering an enemy occupation. These days the occupation comes first and the war of extermination will come a little later.

  4. Let’s see… we bring people from a dog-eat-dog war zone, and the little Lefty PC Jackwagons expect them NOT to be a little crude? If it was my nice little village of 4000 or so, and they just unloaded 1000, mostly young male “immigrants”, on me, damn right I’d tell them what I expect of them.

    I’d love to be able to live in that village for about a year and document the transformation from quiet, pastoral German village into a third-world sh!thole. Maybe if we could show that, it would wake up people over here.

    Oh, and their quiet is about to disappear… five times a day they’ll be serenaded by the imams calling the faithful NOT to assimilate.

  5. What a high price to pay for this feel-good-about-yourself-no-matter-the-cost-to-society policy. I wonder what it will take for them to realize they have dealt a death blow to themselves and their children.

  6. DH and I were talking last night about the settlement of our town. His ancestors, the Germans didn’t go into the established cities, they went rural to build their own farming empires. Clean and neat, neat just like fine bourbon. No frills, no B.S., no screwing around, just build up. Families and community, neighbor to neighbor, of the rural helped those who fell on hard times or sickness, no government intervention, total self sufficient. If those helped by the neighbors strayed off the straight and narrow, they were “mentored” back to the way of the community.

    That community in Germany is in for a most rude awakening.

  7. The next ” Passion of Chris”t will take place in the beautiful town of Oberammergau in 2020. I just wonder, in sadness, how it will fare? Will it be cancelled so as not to offend the “strangers”?

    “Agnus Dei quitollis peccata Mundie,miserere nobis.”

  8. I visited Europe, Germany, Austria and France and Italy and Britain in 2008. I think that might have been about the last reasonable time to go over there. Won’t do it again.

  9. Interesting comment. A relative through marriage back in ’08 was “doing Europe” and prior to her departure stated to me that the Europeans disliked Americans because they are more enlightened about other cultures. That was the first time I wanted to say FY to her. The relative was all for Obama and thought Palin was a moron. Wonder if Miss sophisticated international leisure traveler will go there now!!! I think she should go.

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