Michelle Obama’s INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL (GIRL POWER) SPOTIFY PLAYLIST Has More Guys in it Than White People – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama’s INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL (GIRL POWER) SPOTIFY PLAYLIST Has More Guys in it Than White People

The left has taught me to see color, to do an accounting and to make a judgement. Looks to me like Michelle Obama lacks diversity, inclusiveness, cares little about quotas or the signal she sends out to America by having a list of performers to represent GIRL POWER that is almost exclusively black. In fact, she has more men on her GIRL POWER list than white people. That’s a powerful signal.

Here’s a mosaic of the performers. (She did try to cover her ass by including the singing group The Barden Bellas. But one “diverse group” in a sea of individual black performers would give a false impression of diversity.)MOspotify

13 Comments on Michelle Obama’s INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL (GIRL POWER) SPOTIFY PLAYLIST Has More Guys in it Than White People

  1. I actually recognized a couple of names on the list and looked up the videos for those songs.

    So we’re going to “empower” girls by having them dress up like hooked and perform like pole dancers? Is that the plan?

    Michelle Obama can go straight to Hell with her husband. Franklin and Eleanor, could you please call them with driving directions?

  2. The left taught me to see color,Yes they did ! We didn’t use to, but boy we do now.Everywhere,sales ads coupons the stores we go to.Did i mention our Newspaper? And all the Black TV? We never really noticed much,we got along. Thanks for nothing obummer.

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