Motor Voter Law + Illegal Aliens’ Right To Driver’s Licenses = Illegals Can Vote – IOTW Report

Motor Voter Law + Illegal Aliens’ Right To Driver’s Licenses = Illegals Can Vote

It’s not like conservative Californians have a national electoral voice, but this is the blueprint for allowing illegals to vote.

Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill That Could Let ‘Massive’ Numbers of Illegal Aliens VOTE

9 Comments on Motor Voter Law + Illegal Aliens’ Right To Driver’s Licenses = Illegals Can Vote

  1. Sadly, it doesn’t matter. The illegals have already been added to the census data and the net result is 5 more electoral votes for California. Which in some ways is confusing because we keep hearing about all the people leaving Cali. Democrats are much smarter than us.

  2. This just proves that illegal immigration is a violation of states rights. If a state loses 5 million citizens to five another states (say evenly) but gains 15 million illegal aliens, there will be a net increase of 10 million vs 1 million for the other 5 states. Those other 5 states will have to give up representatives to the first state. States and the citizens are entitled to their representation but illegal immigration is denying those rights.

    Any state that has to give up representatives to CA should REFUSE and just use the previous electoral map, elect those representatives, and send them to DC. This is why we need President Trump to send the illegals back before 2020.

    Fuck CA socialists.

  3. Shit rolls and gains momentum as the invade and destroy policies are put into place. The Stain has also signed sb707. CC’s are now banned from all Cal schools and campuses. Failure is the design.

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