Obama Reluctant To Team With Putin – IOTW Report

Obama Reluctant To Team With Putin

Vladimir Putin and Islamic State militants


Russian president Vladimir Putin is waging war against the Islamic State in Syria
Such a partnership could quickly spell the end of the terrorist group by combining the might of Russia’s forces with soldiers and other aid from more than 60 members of the US-led group.

But according to Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, military officials in Washington have ignored their requests.

Colonel General Kartapolov added: “The reason for this remains unclear to us.”


ht/ Jerry Manderin

11 Comments on Obama Reluctant To Team With Putin

  1. At least that is the line the MSM is feeding, not everybody believes that, eh?
    Remember the ‘moderates’ who gave our weapons away to ISIS?
    Are they the same ‘moderates’ being bombed? Just askin’.
    “We have met the enemy and he is us.” – Pogo

  2. Gee, could it be because Obola is a filthy fucking moslem and is rooting for the filthy fucking ragheads?

    Or could it be that Putin declined Obola’s invitation to fuck Obola in the ass?

  3. Mr Carter said: “Their actions are going to have the effect of inflaming the very extremism that Russia claims to want to combat.”

    And there’s the problem. Don’t want to incite the already-incited!

  4. This is nothing more than the lack of confidence felt by Obumbles, despite the demonstration of his narcissism and vanity.

    The more interaction and contact any head-of-state or diplomat has with Obungles and his gaggle of bunglers, then they realize what a light-weight he is (both in the brain dept. and in any follow-through of action).

  5. “The reason for this remains unclear to us.”

    One word – Obama. The community organizer is throwing a temper tantrum because Putin is schooling him and is ruining Obama’s legacy.

  6. Well, dah, democrat regimes have helped islime every change they get, from outlawing private or public arms sales to Israel in ’48, to bombing the wrong side in Yugoslavia, helping jihadists keep a foothold in Afgahnistan by cutting requested troop levels by half, helping jihadists overthrow Libya and Egypt (who fought back) and now Syria.

    Note to the Jewish people, the democrats hate you. Old man Kennedy thought Hitler was great, FDR turned German Jews away when they tried to escape the Nazis, Truman tried to insure Israel’s stillbirth, Carter branded Israel a terrorist state and Obama is working overtime to give Iran the means to destroy Israel totally.

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