The Donald Will Be Live Tweeting the Democrat Debates – IOTW Report

The Donald Will Be Live Tweeting the Democrat Debates

It should be very entertaining.


ht/ Tammy

23 Comments on The Donald Will Be Live Tweeting the Democrat Debates

  1. This is the first time I’ve ever been on Twitter. Brilliant of Trump to do this!
    There should be lots of idiocy on parade from the democrat freak show on CNN.
    Git it ON!

  2. Important to note that Trump agrees with many democratic policies, a grave concern.
    An unstandard RINO?
    America needs a growing and healthy middle class without massive government to fill in the blanks for the rest.
    In other words, a segregation from the lower and middle class, with opportunities to the lower to step up, should they choose.
    Will Trump bring it?

  3. I tried to listen to the Dem Debate. Honest to God I tried. I wanted to understand Trumps twitter comments in context. I couldn’t do it. There was a string of stupid vomiting from the mouths of the candidates and then came Hillary. There is only so much a man can take. I have a new respect for Bill Clinton in this one not insignificant detail.. It takes one hell of a strong man to not go psycho on a broad like that.

  4. Am aware in these days, though there are pockets of fire in the younger generation, traditional capitalism is slowly becoming a thing of the past unless a restoration in USA takes place. More topsy turvy, but more personal freedom.
    It is this way because each generation has dropped the ball. Failure to teach conservatism to our kids=social debt; and that may be over-simplified.

  5. Couldn’t be more fucking obvious that Hillary knew how the first few questions were going to go–if not the whole fucking debate. CNN is handing Hillary the debate on a fucking silver platter. ONe thing though–I like Webb better than Jeb !!!!!

  6. The only problem with Trump Twittering the debate is more eyeballs will be watching CNN/debate than would have otherwise. Now they will be touting how big their audience was tomorrow.

  7. he may not be perfect but he is electable and he isn’t owned by donors.

    The alternatives are mostly defective RINOs that won’t get the needed votes, like Romney and McCain, so we end up with a libdem.

    Trump is far more conservative than a LibDem.

    This isn’t hard. He’s appealing to the silent majority, some on the left, some in the middle, and a healthy portion of the blacks and latinos. Thus, he can win and he’s actually done stuff unlike 0bama who has done and is doing nothing but agitate.

  8. I got home in time to watch the very end of the debate…I could barely stand 7 minutes of the limp wristed leftie circle jerk. These people are fucked up, as are their lemming followers.

  9. Is it just me or are many of you troubled that a presidential candidate thinks that local and state issues should be their business? Cost of college? Not their problem! Family leave issues? Not their problem! What an employer pays an employee? Not their problem! Dear lord it hurts my head what they think they should be involved in!

    Now, let’s talk foreign policy. How should we handle Syria? Iran? Russia? Well, none of us really know, because we really don’t know the full story. We are not privy to the classified intelligence reports, so we really can’t make a public decision can we? That’s when and where we make a leap of faith to who we put in charge. Who do we trust to keep Putin in check? Bernie? Hillary? Chafee? Trump? Carson?

    BTW, I thought Bernie won the debate BIG TIME! He may claim to be a socialist, but he came across as a libertarian….maybe because he is old and that Delorean he came back in with the Flux capacitor fried his brain…git rid of his free college rant and he did say a few smart things….

    (posted without re-reading. Thought you grammer nazi’s needed to know that)

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