Man Dressed as Woman Spies Into Mall Bathroom Stall in Virginia – IOTW Report

Man Dressed as Woman Spies Into Mall Bathroom Stall in Virginia

This is terrible! Who could have seen this coming?
Who, I ask, WHO?!?!?

peeping tom dressed as woman

NBC- A woman and her young daughter were using a bathroom in the Potomac Mills Mall this weekend when the mother saw a mirror under the stall divider — in the second recent peeping incident involving a man dressed as a woman, Prince William County Police say.

The 35-year-old woman was in a restroom stall with her 5-year-old daughter about 3:10 p.m. Sunday when she saw the mirror and a camera flash. She rushed out of the stall to confront the peeper and saw who police called a man dressed in women’s clothing exit the neighboring stall.  more here


8 Comments on Man Dressed as Woman Spies Into Mall Bathroom Stall in Virginia

  1. Not a problem, it’s a win/win/win… for the lawyer infested (D)irtbag party:
    – those denied admitance to the wrong bathroom will sue.
    – those who are peeped upon will sue
    – perverts will be arrested, and prosecuted(unless connected).
    – many will become words of the state, with jobs for
    sociologists created.

    Also, all public buildings will soon require bathroom attendants who will owe their jobs to the (D)irtbag party. many of the people who enter this line of work will be perverts, who will be unfirable if they work for the govt., and better able to rape, cause they have authority & control the environment.

    And the cycle of stupidity goes on… It’s always the worse, the better for those guys.

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