De Blasio accused of stacking town-hall meeting with ‘handpicked’ allies – IOTW Report

De Blasio accused of stacking town-hall meeting with ‘handpicked’ allies

chicken brown

NYP– Critics of Mayor de Blasio accused him of stacking a town-hall-style meeting in Washington Heights Wednesday with a crew of “handpicked” allies.

“Mayor de Blasio is using a public school building for a re-election rally disguised as a town hall meeting,” said Joseph Strasburg, president of the Rent Stabilization Association.

“The Mayor and sponsors handpicked the attendees. It’s a sham audience packed with supporters only, and anyone else who shows up will be placed in another room outside of the main venue and not be allowed to ask questions.”  more

2 Comments on De Blasio accused of stacking town-hall meeting with ‘handpicked’ allies

  1. there is no limit to what the left will do to push their agenda

    they don’t answer tough questions, instead filibuster and talk over the questioner

    when they disagree with the people’s vote, they overturn with another leftist machine i.e. liberal courts, see california’s prop 8, etc.

    pen and phone

    secret deals and lawless negotiations abroad

    plants in the audiences, fake settings for so-called impromptu discussions with the common people on the streets

    they are evil, bald-face liars, clearly anti-god in their shenanigans

    so nauseated by their shit

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