Israeli Law Group to Sue Facebook for ‘Promoting Terror’ – IOTW Report

Israeli Law Group to Sue Facebook for ‘Promoting Terror’

According to Israeli Law Center, Facebook is an accessory to terror by refusing to shut down incitement-filled pages.

ArutzSheva: Among the features of the latest wave of terror against Israel is the ongoing incitement by Arabs on social networks, centered on Facebook.

rage boy

The social media site contains many pages that are authored by terrorists and their supporters, providing a support network for those who undertake attacks against Israel.

In addition, there are many pages that contain practical ideas and suggestions on how to carry out attacks, including the most effective methods of stabbing and how to prepare bombs from household materials.

That makes Facebook an accessory to terror, according to the Israel Law Center (Shurat Hadin) organization, which is planning to sue Facebook for supporting terror in a US court, it announced Thursday.


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