Ladies and Gentlemen, the Democratic Debate – IOTW Report

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Democratic Debate

middle East map

Sultan Knish

Anderson Cooper: Can anyone find Syria on a map?


Hillary Clinton: Well Anderson, as a woman…

Anderson Cooper: Can you find Syria on a map?

Hillary Clinton: As a woman…

Anderson Cooper: Syria on a map. Can you find it?

hillary c

Hillary Clinton: As a woman…

Anderson Cooper: Never mind. Senator Sanders, do you agree with the Secretary?Bernie Sanders: SYRIA? Why are we talking about Syria when 41 PERCENT OF 99 PERCENT of all the money is going to the 1 PERCENT.


Anderson Cooper: Can you just answer the question.

Bernie Sanders: Syria is CONFUSING. Lots of PEOPLE fighting. Economics is SIMPLE. You just take away all the money from all the people who have the MONEY.

Anderson Cooper: The question is about Syria.

bernie sanders yelling

Bernie Sanders: Right NOW the 1 PERCENT are eating BABIES. They have piles and PILES of babies in their MANSIONS and on Wall Street and they’re chowing down on them like hungry dogs.


h/t Andre

11 Comments on Ladies and Gentlemen, the Democratic Debate

  1. The question should be :

    Can any one find the fictional land of palestine on a map,
    Can any one find it on any map in all of human history ?

    The invented illusion of there being a bona fide area legitimately called ” palestine ” is absolutely
    and without any historical foundation.

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