Shelter in place – IOTW Report

Shelter in place

crying man

Patriot Retort: Yesterday evening my neighborhood — which includes Syracuse University — was swarmed with police including helicopters flying overhead for hours. Several miles away, one teenager was shot and wounded, and another shot dead. Detectives got to the scene very quickly because that neighborhood has had a spate of shootings over the last few months, so police presence has been beefed up. The shooter(s) fled by car and headed toward my neck of the woods with police chasing after them. They bailed out of their vehicle about three blocks from my house and opened fire on the police before fleeing into a very large cemetery next to SU.

Residents and SU students were ordered to shelter in place as the manhunt began.

Odd, isn’t it?

New York State has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. In fact, the NY SAFE law was forced on us ostensibly to do something about “gun violence.” And yet, here we all were, sheltering in place while police combed the area for the gunmen.  more here

15 Comments on Shelter in place

  1. Stupid criminals. Don’t they realize that there are strict gun control laws? Come to think of it there’s got to be a law against fleeing the police and then having a shoot out with said coppers.

    And police chases… Sure they are fun to watch on T.V. but someone could get hurt. Looks like we, as a nation, are in need of stricter SVU control laws.

  2. Obviously NYS just needs a few more new gun laws and these criminals will throw down their weapons and start volunteering for charity causes like Homes for Humanity or some such.

  3. We were discussing that incident in the office yesterday. A 15 year old was killed and a 17 year old wounded. Eleven shooting incidents in 6 days in that area (four blocks) and Syracuse is employing a peer-reviewed and best-practices focused deterrence program to eliminate this activity.

    The social scientists are full of crap with their programs and theories. The kids like doing this. They enjoy shooting each other and at the cops. No families, no fathers, no discipline, no direction – they do whatever they want and the juvvie courts are less than useless. The ghettos are nothing but factories cranking out misery funded by the government. It’s our dime supporting this slaughter.

  4. “Shelter in Place” OMG!! I’m so sick of gov’t-sounding phrases like this!!!!! We used to call our car, a car. Now we say VEE-hickel. A babysitter turned into “caregiver”. A bum is now a “homeless person.” A suspect is now a “person of interest.” An addict is now “chemically dependent,”

    Shelter in Place = Hide Somewhere

  5. My understanding of the law in NY is that you are limited in magazine capacity, even inside your own abode.

    That doesn’t seem reasonable. I don’t think the government should limit magazines outside of your home, but to limit capacities inside your home seems downright evil.

  6. “… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    New York doesn’t have a “Government of the People, by the People, and for the People:” it has a satrapy who think “the People” are their subjects, and “the People” are stupid and docile enough to go along, enslaving themselves to un-American New Yorkers.

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