Black Woman Charged Federally In SWATting Attacks On Universities – IOTW Report

Black Woman Charged Federally In SWATting Attacks On Universities

–No News Of Motive.

tameira janell smith

Vdare– Swatting is the name for the “act of tricking an emergency service (via such means as hoaxing an emergency services dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response based on the false report of an ongoing critical incident.” You call the cops saying you’re at your target’s home, and say he’s just shot you with an assault rifle, in hopes that heavily armed police will break down his door.

Wikipedia has heard of this, and also knows that it’s associated with harassment campaigns targeting conservatives but Dallas News reporter Kevin Krause [Email him] either hasn’t, or doesn’t want to confuse his readers with a new word.  more here

14 Comments on Black Woman Charged Federally In SWATting Attacks On Universities

  1. Ya’know, I really don’t care about motives and WHY someone did something. Did the person do the deed? Yes or no.
    Am I a hate monger for not caring about hate crimes, especially where the “law” is applied so unevenly and one-sided?

  2. (sigh)

    “Dallas News” ??

    WTF is that? No such business or organization here in Dallas.

    We do have a Dallas Morning News, though. Which is what the link takes you to. The unnamed writer got lazy and just looked at the IP address.

    Makes me wonder what else was the unnamed writer was lazy about and didn’t get right, like oh, I don’t know. Maybe the term SWAT-ing being watered down because the writer really isn’t familiar with the subject?

    SWAT-ing came from making a call to get a SWAT team to raid someone’s home with lethal and deadly force. Not just any “emergency service” as it reads there.

    OK, yes, I’m a bit pissy. My broken leg is a bit uncomfortable tonight. So maybe I should refrain from posting more tonight.

    I’m also still a bit aggravated with the young black guy that showed up at my door to dishonestly switch my electric service. He was both entertaining and eye roll worthy when he tried to explain that the birds dying from windmills were actually committing suicide – because they have brains, so since they get hit – it must be on purpose. So he was OK with bald eagles and other birds being killed by his “environmentally friendly windmills”.

    Seriously, it took at least 20 “You have to go now, bye” s before he left my porch.

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