Mr. Pinko Says – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko Says


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3 Comments on Mr. Pinko Says

  1. There won’t be anyone flipping burgers.

    It’ll be more like one person collecting a little cash and loading the self-cleaning and self cooking frying machine.

    They’ll be loading bulk burger in this door, fries here, filling oil tank, buns in this tray, 9 mm parabellum (for urban franchises) here, etc.

  2. The lazy fucks wouldn’t sit in a La-Z-Boy watching TV 8 hrs a day for $15 an hour. They’d be late, or call in sick, be fucking off with their homies, or demand a paid vay-cay for Kwanzaa.

    They’ll STILL bitch about something.

    Wait and see.

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