Hillary Will Say Anything To Get Elected – IOTW Report

Hillary Will Say Anything To Get Elected




7 Comments on Hillary Will Say Anything To Get Elected

  1. I would not vote for HRC is she said: “Tim, I’ll give you $1 Million if you vote for me. Cash. And Chelsea will suck your dick.”

    Nope. Some things just aren’t for sale.

  2. There’s also been republican assistance saying anything that’ll help her, intentional or not, such as Kevin McCarthy’s remarks trivializing the Benghazi hearings as nothing more than a political attack on Hillary’s poll numbers.

    Add that to a flailing ÂĄYeb! campaign, whereby in the tradition of McCain ’08 and Romney 2012, the party of eff the constitution, gets a GOPe pulled rickshaw hauling an otherwise unelectable Alinskyite across the finish line.

  3. She needs to wear that black leather suit with short arms more often. I don’t know about the rest of you guys but my heart palpitates and can’t help the burning lust, that damn woman is gunna give me a heart attack.

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