Leftist Yahoo Writer Excoriated in Comments After Her Attempt At Immigration Propaganda Piece – IOTW Report

Leftist Yahoo Writer Excoriated in Comments After Her Attempt At Immigration Propaganda Piece

Is a callous immigration system tearing siblings apart?

Liz Goodwin
Senior National Affairs Reporter – Numbskull

When Vladimir Gongora arrived in New York City three years ago, he didn’t know his own name.

Vladimir was born deaf in the small village of Cuyantepeque in the northwest corner of El Salvador. He wasn’t allowed to go to school and never learned to read or write.

“He used to cry and cry because he couldn’t ask for anything,” his mother, Dolores remembers. Then, when Vladimir was about 7 years old, he began gesturing to his little sister, Patricia, who was just 5. Bit they bit, they formed their own sign language, which became increasingly complex. Patricia translated her brother’s signs into Spanish for her parents, and all of a sudden, Vladimir was no longer so alone.

“I would invent a word if he couldn’t understand me,” says Patricia, now 18.

Their invented language lifted Vladimir out of his isolation, and the two became best friends — watching soap operas together and playing soccer and hide and seek.

They’ve been inseparable ever since. But a U.S. immigration court could soon force them apart.

Vladimir and Patricia both crossed the border on their own to join their parents in New York City — Vladimir in 2012, Patricia two years later.

OKAY, STOP! Let’s go to the comments –

Why didn’t the author of this tear-jerker explain how the parents came to be in the U.S. without either their son or daughter When did the parents get here? Parents leaving a dysfunctional teenage son and an even younger daughter to fend for themselves in violence torn country is quite a statement about the parents, yet nothing is mentioned in the article. Author Liz Gordon’s failure to communicate the heart of the problem, while inlcuding other tear-jerk stories, all without explaining how they came to be, proves that she is not a “journalist”. She is nothing more than a person with political leanings.

So let me get this straight, their own parents abandoned them to come to the US. One of them has a disability, and they still abandoned them even though they claim their own government would mistreat him. He could only communicate through his sister, however he made it all the way to where his parents lived in New York without any help, because as the writer puts it he could only sign through a special sign language him and his sister invented and the sister came two years later. And now we should feel sorry for them because their attempt to commit fraud against the American government and taxpayer’s was foiled? I don’t think so.

Boo Hoo, Yet another sob story because illegals decided to break the law and Obama decided he did not have to follow the law either. Get over it, if you break the law you pay consequences. They both should be deported! That way there is no problem with separation. That is two less privileged people who do not have to follow the same laws the rest of us do. Put it down to, kids learn life lesson about law breaking. You always have to pay for what you do! Tell the Catholic Charities to join the Pope at the Vatican and take the illegals with them.

I love how I write a long deeply thought out comment on how the media is being used as a tool of the government to tug at our heartstrings and guilt trip us into accepting this new standard of immigration laws, and its deleted minutes after posting. Way to prove my point guys, dissent cannot be allowed in this brave new America can it ?

Liz, your illogical idiocy is hopeless, profoundly annoying and an affront to thinking people everywhere. The issue is that they and their entire family are not legal immigrants separated by a callous immigration system. They broke our laws by illegally sneaking into our country and like it or not, that makes them criminals. Consequently, they posses neither legal rights nor recourse, so courts and lawyers are unnecessary as it is clearly a simple administration decision as in: “back you go!”

The only separation issue that needs to be addressed is separating the wad in your panties, but the legal solution is at hand, i.e.: the deportation of the entire family, which will of course get them back together. Bon Voyage.




19 Comments on Leftist Yahoo Writer Excoriated in Comments After Her Attempt At Immigration Propaganda Piece

  1. interesting things are happening

    the establishment that joked about trump are starting to recognize his relevance and the fact that he has a following of people who were thought to be solid democrats, see hispanics and blacks

    leftist pundits are separating themselves from what will be the jan 2009 thru jan 2017 disaster

    and the liberal news outlet yahoo is seeing readers revolt

    i have hated the obama years, but the catastrophe that is his legacy is becoming obvious to many of the die-hards, and we are in a good position to take this country back

    trump / cruz 2016

  2. “they claim their own government would mistreat him”

    isn’t this the whole story of “our broken immigration system”?

    why does the USA allow itself to be subordinated by mexico and support mexico’s unwanted population?

  3. I think it’s a really good idea to base law and national policy on shaky anecdotal crybaby bullshit … no … really … I do!

    We should let in all the crybaby motherfucking parasites from anywhere in the Universe if they can tell some bullshit story that makes a socialist cry – or at least get the sniffles – and some snot running – they’re suckers for running snot.

    Watch for Clinton to pull the “helpless crying woman” act at her deposition on Benghazi.

  4. Here is an excerpt from my script where a disabled teen boy and his compassionate sister sneak across the US border to join their parents in New York City.

    Teen girl: Hello, mother and father. We have finally escaped from El Salvadore and can now rejoin you in this fine New York City until Mayor DeBlasio succeeds in turning it into a third world hellhole worthy of our former home in El Salvadore and we have to escape again.

    Father: Holy Mother of God! Who told you where we were, and how did you find us? Was your uncle Ernesto the snitch? I swear on your mother’s life that I’ll find that son of a bitch and tear his windpipe out.

    Mother: Hello, children. Don’t move – ICE is on the way. Just sit quietly and avoid any sudden movements because your father is kind of jumpy with that shotgun.

    This is a short film, but I think heart warming enough to make it on the Hallmark channel.

  5. “It is your son … Joey … I’ve taught him to talk! Sort of. Speak, Joey!”

    “Want free shit! Want free shit!”

    “What I tell you, Joey? Must cry and make nose run.”

    *boo hoo hoo* “Want free shit! Want free shit!” *snort**sniffle*

    “And the kicker, l’il Joey … remember what I tole ya?”

    *boo hoo hoo* “Want free shit! Want free shit!” *snort**sniffle* “Vote Demonrat! Free shit! Demonrat!” *snkkkk*

  6. I SAY LET’S LET HIM AND HIS WHOLE FAMILY STAY! But the only condition is some hypocrite liberal moron has to sponsor him and pay the MILLIONS of dollars he intends to suck off the public teet…..calling Michael Moore? Calling Bill Maher???

  7. I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THESE MORONS. Reminds me of a show I saw about some other turd world shit hole where a family had some muscular/skeletal problem. NO ONE IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY could figure out they needed, walkers, canes, braces to learn to walk upright, so they lived their entire lives walking on their hands and knees, like animals. BUT ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL AND WHITEY IS EVIL. Sick to fucking death of this shit.

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