High School Calls Cops Because They Thought They Found a Bullet in the Parking Lot – IOTW Report

High School Calls Cops Because They Thought They Found a Bullet in the Parking Lot

The object wasn’t even a bullet, but even if it was WHY ARE YOU CALLING THE COPS???

What the hell is wrong with this country? What the hell is wrong with us that we allow progressives to run things?

Oh, by the way, the object was a small air freshener dispenser.


38 Comments on High School Calls Cops Because They Thought They Found a Bullet in the Parking Lot

  1. Hmm. I see entertainment opportunity.

    Step 1: With latex gloves on, go to local gun range and scoop up an assortment of spent casings.

    Step 2: Drive by the school at night and slingshot several of them into the parking lot of said school. Maybe enough to make it look like a shootout happened.

  2. I buy random stuff at auction, about a week ago I bought a beer flat full of odds and ends and in it was 4 rifle cartridges for something I don’t have. I was also recently asked how I get rid of them, I usually yank the projectile, dump the powder and burn it, but sometimes I just throw them in the garbage.

    For some reason after this conversation, I got the nagging idea to pull the projectile, dump the powder, reinsert the projectile and them randomly drop the cartridges in parking lots.

  3. That’s nothing, once when I was on board the USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 some of the flight deck personnel found a couple of loose 20 mm cannon shells on the flight deck during a FOD (foreign object damage) walk down which are done regularly to clear the deck of any small debris that could do damage to a jet engine. For a while they closed flight ops down till they found out where the shells came from. It turned out some ordnance guys had been careless in their handling of the shells around an A-7 attack plane. Safety of any kind is always first priority on board an aircraft carrier no matter how small it might be.

  4. When were you aboard? Proud member of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club and survivor of the black mutiny, Oct.’72. They call it a race riot, when the black XO comes over the 1MC claiming he is in charge, it’s a mutiny. The captain was screwed, the XO walked.

  5. “What the hell is wrong with us that we allow progressives to run things?” I can answer that. First, the progressives own the monopoly of legal force. Second, we are complacent because we are mostly satisfied and comfortable in our materialism. Third, we are cowards.

  6. OTD, I was in boot camp during the race riots in Oct. 1972 but some of the guys from my Squadron VF-114 were ther and told me about it. It was a major league cluster fuck from what I understand. I made the 73-74 cruise on the Kitty Hawk including being paid combat pay for being in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam doing alert 5’s (where we could launch our planes off the flight deck in less than 5 minutes) with our F-4 Phantoms just in case any enemy MIG’s were still out there. And again from May 75 – Aug. 75 when I got out of the Navy just right after S. Vietnam fell to the Communists. There is a book out there about the riots on board the Kitty Hawk that I read a few years ago but I can’t remember the name of it right now. And they also had problems on board the USS Constellation CV-64 at about the same time with an averted mutiny by crew members threatening to strike because of race relations.

  7. Fire or remove the primer before you re-insert the projectile.

    It can still be deadly with just the primer.

    I have primer-only .22 ammo for birds and rats. Stronger than a pellet rifle.

  8. no, no a bunch of leftist stuff like butt plugs, condoms, morning after pills, KY lube, Marx literature, Bernie Sanders speeches, adult sized footie pajamas and some welfare forms.

  9. there will never be any understanding of just how much “framework” that barry and his bitches have screwed the country with – for decades in the future. want to change it? there will be instant lawsuits.

    heard a talk radio host say recently that that fascists have imposed another 500,000 pages of regulations and restrictions and there’s STILL another year to go

  10. Probably 30 years after leaving the Navy I was working late on a hot job. My director came by to see how it was coming, he needed the info for a meeting the next morning. Turned out, he had gone to flight school with Capt. Townsend. After some poignant questioning about the mutiny, he then told me of his relationship with the Capt.
    He shook my hand and said he was glad for somebody who was there to reinforce what his friend had told him.
    I spoke with the Capt. almost daily, he was always respectful of me as I was of him. The published reports of him treating sailors poorly, were complete bullshit. It was a straight up mutiny, led by blacks and the black XO was compliciant.

  11. We go to the firing range and pick up bullets and casings. They’re laying around everywhere. We use the casings to reload. The cops come around every once in a while on a patrol. No one is scared $hitless, lots of respect out there.

  12. Thank you sir, ordered it on Kindle.
    Sounds like the author got it right. Military service at that time was a horror with the treatment by civilians, took me 20 years to even admit I was a vet.
    Adm. Zumwalt and his Z-grams allowing beards, longer hair and military travel in civvies saved us a lot of hassle, and yes, we did get spit on while in uniform, they knew we wouldn’t/couldn’t disgrace it by kicking their pansy asses.

  13. Similar time frame for me; September and October I was in Orlando. But never was west of Yuma or East of Virginia Beach until 1977. The only look I had at Vietnam was by P-3 radar in 1983.

    Riots and willful destruction of property. A sad time for my Navy.

  14. I have some customized .38 casings with oversized primer flash holes that I press into 1/2 inch of wax before I prime them with mag primers. These can be used for indoor target practice or for getting rid of varmints. And they can put a 1/4 inch deep dent in a 4×4 post – as seen on my front porch.

    And no ballistic evidence left if used on a hot day. 😉

  15. I actually met Admiral Zumwalt when he came to Miramar in the Spring of 1973. At the time I was doing TAD (temporary assignment to duty) at the base theater, I was the base duty driver and for a time ran the base pool and recreation hall. Any way the night before Adm. Zumwalt came to Miramar I had the duty at the theater cleaning up that night before his visit. I must’ve done a good job because I got to meet the Admiral the next day. This is all good because at the time I was still an E-2. I loved his relaxed standards at the time, a lot of us had beards and my best friend a Second Class jet engine mechanic from Bellingham, Wa. had a wild giant beard. The Army and the Marines hated us anytime we were around them because of this. And there were a lot of black guys as well as well as white guys who should have never been in any of the military services except for the Draft. My Commanding officer was also an old school racist who didn’t like blacks so they gave him a black XO and he never advanced beyond being a Commander. He was also a major league asshole who got into a lot of trouble because of this and other questionable exploits flying F-4’s. Some of them were absolutely hilarious, I never knew an Officer could get so mad the time he landed at NAS Cubi Point in the Philippines and almost took out another jet because he was impatient and was late for an appointment, he caught Hell for that. He was like the character Robert Duvall played in the movie The Great Santini.

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