Deranged Feminists Now Want A Set of Societal Guidelines To Help Them Avoid Having Bad Sex – IOTW Report

Deranged Feminists Now Want A Set of Societal Guidelines To Help Them Avoid Having Bad Sex

It started with guidelines so that women could avoid being raped.

“No means no.”

“It’s no until I say yes.”

Now it’s, “I said yes, but this sex was not what I hoped it would be.”

Keep in mind, this isn’t the usual feminist tripe that if a woman feels awkward the next day it means she was raped.  That’s not what this is about. This is about women complaining that the sex wasn’t good, and they don’t want to go through that experience.

I have no idea how this is supposed to be solved, but it doesn’t keep them from complaining, does it?


“I sometimes think that in our real, deep, important feminist desire to communicate that sexual violence is absolutely and utterly not okay … we can forget that we are often hurt in ways more subtle and persistent … And we can often totally forget that at the end of the day, sex is also about pleasure.”

One thing that’s clear is that feminists need to raise the bar for women’s sex lives way, way higher. “Sure, teaching consent to college freshmen may be necessary in a culture in which kids are graduating from high school thinking it’s okay to have sex with someone who is unconscious,” says Dusenbery. “But I don’t want us to ever lose sight of the fact that consent is not the goal. Seriously, God help us if the best we can say about the sex we have is that it was consensual.”


Robots are sounding better and better.


22 Comments on Deranged Feminists Now Want A Set of Societal Guidelines To Help Them Avoid Having Bad Sex

  1. The answer’s SIMPLE!
    YOU (male): “Darling, are you a feminist?”

    SHE: [IF “no”]
    ANSWER: boink away

    SHE: [IF “What do you mean, “Darling”?! Hell yes!”]
    ANSWER: run away

  2. Pardon Me, but
    What. The. FUCK????????


    The Journal Times notes that the purpose of the meeting was for Ryan to “explai[n] to them his motives” for pushing to enact Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80%
    ’s amnesty and mass immigration agenda in the House of Representatives.

    As Ryan spoke, translators conveyed his message to audience members who did not speak English.

    2689 Comments + 1-202-224-3121 << congressional switchboard

  3. Just think, women wonder why men/boys have abandoned them in favor of bros, gaming and porn!
    Enjoy your BOB girls, get him to pay your rent.
    Battery Operated Boyfriend for those not familiar with the acronym.

  4. The guy does not even have to conduct that brief interview. Just check the gal’s Facebook and Instagram history. Any signs of angry feminazism? Run, son, run!

    This self-worshipping generation leaves digital footprints about their lives wherever they go, so it is prettry easy to discern key info upfront and early….

  5. You really have to love it. The femmies create an environment that practically guarantees that satisfying sex for the woman can’t exist and now they want to blame its non-existence on the men. Typical.

  6. Honestly. I thought the whole goal of feminism was to not have sex. They don’t like men and they don’t like babies. Why would they even want to have sex? Truly. And then there’s this: how are they even having enough sex with men to know what is good and bad sex?

  7. The linked article had presumably deep insights that required thought. And that’s one problem with sex – too much thinking is not good.

    Thinking about consent is usually good – you don’t want to force yourself on someone else to satisfy base desires. But too many feminists today require the male of the species to think about the consequences of sex more than they want to – essentially perform a cost/benefit analysis – and the result is frequently “I think I’ll just go get a beer and watch the game.” Once the man starts thinking, there are a lot of bad options that come to mind. Will she change her mind and accuse me of rape? Will she sue me? Will I end up in a relationship that I don’t know if I want? Will she get pregnant? Will she give me a STD? Can I get kicked out of college? Can I be charged with a crime? I know she had a couple of beers – is she too intoxicated to give consent?

    Some thought on these matters is good – no one really wants a spontaneous romp to have long term adverse consequences. But with legislators and college administrators rushing to establish laws, rules and regulations which may have drastic consequences for males, males, particularly after being forced to think seriously about the matter, seem more inclined to consider that cold beer and a good game the better option.

  8. “Will she change her mind and accuse me of rape? Will she sue me? Will I end up in a relationship that I don’t know if I want? Will she get pregnant? Will she give me a STD? Can I get kicked out of college? Can I be charged with a crime? I know she had a couple of beers – is she too intoxicated to give consent?”

    Excellent. Should be taught. Men’s athletics teams would be a great audience.

  9. Reading this article, I came upon this little nugget of discovery: “Gattuso, who is now on a Fulbright fellowship in India”

    All I can say is, EFF the establishment!

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