Fun Fact – There are More People on Food Stamps in America Than The Entire Population of Canada – IOTW Report

Fun Fact – There are More People on Food Stamps in America Than The Entire Population of Canada

The SNAP you hear is the sound of America’s back breaking.


“Between 2007 and 2011, new eligibility rules by themselves added 3.4 million people to SNAP enrollment and naturally tended to increase SNAP spending. At the same time, SNAP began to pay more generous benefits to people who enrolled,” Casey Mulligan, an economics professor at the University of Chicago, told the Washington Free Beacon on Thursday.

The growing SNAP population is a far cry from the 2.8 million enrolled when the USDA began tracking such programs in 1969, the website reported.

The average SNAP-approved household received $256.62 in July 2015. USDA estimated a total cost to U.S. taxpayers of $5.8 billion for the month.


6 Comments on Fun Fact – There are More People on Food Stamps in America Than The Entire Population of Canada

  1. “I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” ~ B. Franklin

    The numbers have soared because there is no longer a stigma associated with not being self-sufficient. One is considered smart (or not being a sucker) for figuring out how to use the public trough, be it rent vouchers, day care, medical support, tuition, cable tee vee, internet access, telephones, or EBT cards.

    I was about six years old when my father, a logger, was temporarily out of work. Being the only bread-winner in a family of eight, we were also temporarily dependent on “the dole”. It was a sad day when the box with generic cheese, dried milk and peanut butter showed up at our house. The very idea cast a pall and no one was to talk about it. It was shameful to us.

  2. Heard of a black lady who uses her EBT to buy large amounts of meat to run her catering business.
    They need to precede ‘EBT, with a “D”, but that would be being honest.

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