Newt on Benghazi Hearing – IOTW Report

Newt on Benghazi Hearing

We have a presidential candidate who began her career working for a congressional committee examining Watergate, and we have a generation of journalists who supposedly idolize the writers who inspired that investigation.

Now respectively the subject and the reporters of equally serious questions of public trust, both insist there is nothing important to see here. And who’s partisan, again?

-Newt Gingrich


19 Comments on Newt on Benghazi Hearing

  1. I truly grieve for my children, grand children, and the country which I served for three years of my life.
    (and even for my liberal son-in-law who knows no better)

    As a working musician at the time, I followed the Watergate hearings, and played a helluva an out of tune version of ‘Hail to the Chief’ at the gig the night Nixon resigned.

  2. Whomever the GOP candidate is, they need to air TEN THOUSAND HOURS of commercial time of THAT CRAZY, EVIL, JACKAL cackling like a goddamn hyena during an investigation about what happened to four brave men serving our country in Benghazi.

    What the hell is so funny you vile Clinton maggot?

  3. The headline on FOX today that caught my eye was “Media suggests Hillary unscathed after Benghazi hearings, despite new evidence.”
    I had watched quite a bit and saw no evidence of that. I must have missed something. I thought she got a bit of a trouncing.

    But then: “If George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice had instantly blamed a terrorist attack on a video and then it was revealed that they DELIBERATELY lied about it to win reelection, newsrooms across the country would be aflame in outrage. What is the response when the same fact pattern applies to Obama and Clinton? “Meh.” ” Jonah Goldberg, National Review 10/23/15.

    Thank You Jonah. Thank you Newt . But it’s Mox Nox, So What?,
    We’re in deep shit boys and girls.

  4. And if that weren’t enough to make your blood boil: Decorated Soldier dies fighting ISIS, but it’s NOT COMBAT! According to the W H, Pentagon, Arse Carter! What the fuck are we dealing with here?

    Ans> Protecting Obama’s LEGACY! What a fucking joke.

  5. Weird. Here we have this sanctimonious bitch lying to a Congressional committee about the death of four Americans.

    Newt Gingrich captures the event masterfully and gets attacked and insulted on this site.

    What the fuck?

  6. I’m with you, Moe Tom. I like Newt. He has flaws, but there was only One who was perfect in this world. Newt would be a bulldog with Obama, unlike Ryan, who will be a disappointment.

  7. Gingrich can be absolutely outstanding. I’ve written my Congressman to appoint him or Allen West to the Speaker’s spot. However having said that, my original comment was just that he is ‘not’ a conservative. All attributes as well as detractors must be taken into account.

    Gingrich is outstanding, just wish he wasn’t as progressive as he is. However, I believe he stands in support of the Constitution unlike many there that occupy the seats.

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