Will This “Clock-Med” Be Invited to the White House? – IOTW Report

Will This “Clock-Med” Be Invited to the White House?

Obama doesn’t even know this kid’s name, nor does he care. He’s too busy with his Social Justice Warriors to worry about America’s real warriors.

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This kid is praiseworthy, not that Muslim idiot who put a digital clock in a new case, (which is apparently a remarkable fear, according to the brilliant Obama).

10 Comments on Will This “Clock-Med” Be Invited to the White House?

  1. The kid is smart.I am proud to see a young fellow AMERICAN that is as sharp
    as him.When this dog & pony show took place I was agast,when I was 14 I built a
    75 watt CW transmitter {morse code} for the 80 meter ham radio band.I used a set
    of plans,Dad’s tools and harvested parts from discarded TV sets put out for the trash
    in the neighborhood.That muzzie kid could have at least ordered a digital clock kit
    from Ebay and put it together….

  2. “when I was 14 I built a
    75 watt CW transmitter {morse code} for the 80 meter ham radio band.”

    I’ll bet you used the horizontal sweep tubes for the final.

    Am I right?

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