It’s not theft if… – IOTW Report

It’s not theft if…


9 Comments on It’s not theft if…

  1. My wife is the Payroll Administrator for a local electrical contractor. One of the biggest nightmares she sees coming is all of the reporting requirements the IRS is implementing, starting with the next tax season. The amount of hours that will be devoted to this new reporting is astronomical, and the cost of it all will be borne directly by the company.

    There are more ways to screw this one up than you can count, and nearly every one of those ways will result in a challenge by the IRS, delay of any “refund” due to taxpayers, and years of effort to try and un-fuck this going forward. By next June the IRS should be in complete gridlock over Obamacare problems with no way of fixing them easily or quickly. By the time the elections roll around, the IRS will be one of the top reasons for an even bigger backlash against any incumbent.

    Our advice?? ‘Tis far better to owe the IRS a bit of money, than it is to have them owe you. A lot of people count on a big cash “refund” every year because they are not smart enough to figure this simple fact out. I shudder when I hear about someone counting on several thousand dollars in “refunds” on their taxes.

    If Obamacare reporting goes as well as the website has gone, then the last thing you want to count on is Uncle Sugar coming up with a check for you quickly next Spring. One error in your healthcare reporting, no matter who makes it, is going to affect your tax return, and not in your favor.

    Be advised, and plan accordingly.

  2. 25 years ago, I took a half hour or so and added up our household tax burden: fed and state income tax, FICA, real estate, sales, excise, everything I could think of. We were paying $7 per hour in taxes. 24 hours per day. 7 days per week. 365 days per year. No breaks, no vacation, no sick leave. And that’s 1990 dollars.

    That’s not a boast. That’s a howl of pain and outrage.

  3. I don’t have a problem with taxes. I have a problem with income taxes. Wages are NOT income. Income is a profit or a gain from a source. So say SCOTUS. The best definition of income is when your money makes money. When YOU make money, that is NOT income.

    Repeal all income taxes and forbid the taxing of income in perpetuity. Rip out socialism’s very heart.

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