Sheriff Makes Up Excuses/Motives for Faisal Mohammad and Muslims – IOTW Report

Sheriff Makes Up Excuses/Motives for Faisal Mohammad and Muslims

12 minutes of BULLSH!T!
* Slow on identifying the perpetrator
* “We have an upset teenager because he got kicked out of a study group”
* Won’t release the manifesto
* THE MOST EGREGIOUS REMARK HERE – (8:27 mark) “Manifesto mentions Allah BUT that’s like me referencing the Lord Jesus if I’m going to do something SILLY.”
“Silly” like murder people with a knife, like Muslim terrorists are currently doing in other countries.
Nothing to do with Muslims or terrorists. Nothing to see here. Move along. This Sheriff should be FIRED!

Press Conference video here

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18 Comments on Sheriff Makes Up Excuses/Motives for Faisal Mohammad and Muslims

  1. My gaydar was clanging on the guy that introduced the sheriff. Then the sheriff says Faisal ” was upset because he was kicked out of a study group.” Is that anything like Benghazi was caused by a video? Just how stupid do they think we are?

  2. And what the “F” is the weird Petroleum Jelly comments and smirks all about! This is an embarrassment and I hope the parents of these children loose it on this department. Unless they vote for the big D, then fall in line.

  3. I think somebody got to the Sheriff. Before this took place the Chancellor of the college was describing the muzzie as a “Non White Male” that was just upset yada yada yada. And the sheriff announced the dude had big plans because of the note and contents in his back pack. Seems to have changed his tune.

  4. What’s up with CA sheriffs? LA had that mosymp Sheriff Lee Baca, who did Barky’s bidding and locked up the inflammatory video maker, Then that SF Sheriff Shitbag who loved his pet illegals, and now this dhimmi dumbass. Maybe we need to get back to the roots in Khalidfornia and just start calling them Sharifs.

  5. I too am convinced that the big black guy who introduced the sheriff is gay.. One question for the sheriff: I know you are a kind, gentle, and loving guy; a wonderful, wonderful person. But in all your years in Law Enforcement. has anyone ever mentioned to you that you may be a fucking idiot?

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