“Others will go down with her” you say? – IOTW Report

“Others will go down with her” you say?

The Real Revo: HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Facing criminal charges, relieved of her law license and threatened with removal by the Legislature, Pennsylvania’s attorney general seems to have decided that if she has to go, she’s going to take others down with her.

kathleen kane



17 Comments on “Others will go down with her” you say?

  1. Pennsylvania is a rats nest of Democrats that really needs to be cleaned out. Porn or dirty emails is just the tip of the iceberg and the crap goes back years when it was the private fiefdom of Ed Rendell who spending a good portion of his golden years in a federal penitentiary. You can only hope the good people of that state will actually pay attention and read between the lines of what the media puts out and crush the Dems in the next election at every level of government.

  2. Sure. That’ll happen. In a state that just had 3, yes I said 3, Demmie judges elected to the Supreme Court of PA. Set some kind of record. And 2 of those judges were from the Philly area. The area that had 110% voter turnout when the Chief Loser ran for the 2nd time.
    Yuppy. We’re toast.

  3. I thought the idea of blackmail was to keep it a secret between the blackmailer and the blackmailee to prevent the indictment from going forward. No wonder this dumb blint got caught.

  4. “I think there will be an avalanche if this is all released, and I think there will be a housecleaning unlike any we have ever seen.”

    Cool! You do need to clean house. I love it when Dems turn on Dems. Looks like some porn lovers paid by the taxpayers are going to get their come uppins. Enjoy being on the welfare rolls.

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