CO: Kids Passed Around Nude Photos of Each Other Like Trading Cards – IOTW Report

CO: Kids Passed Around Nude Photos of Each Other Like Trading Cards


Parents attended a special meeting Thursday night where they learned an anonymous tip led administrators to hundreds of explicit photos of many students, some as young as eighth-graders.  [Story at BlurBrain

12 Comments on CO: Kids Passed Around Nude Photos of Each Other Like Trading Cards

  1. “It’s hundreds, and I mean it was flooring to us how many photos that we were finding on the phones that we confiscated,” Meuli said.

    Just curious. Did you happily volunteer for that job Meuli?

  2. In about five years, they’ll either be getting kicked out of college for looking the wrong way at someone with clothes on, or they’ll be having someone thrown out for looking at them the wrong way.

    Enjoy your foolishness now, you poor kids.

  3. When I was young, just after the ice age, I had my fair share of romantic involvements with some assume ladie. The court ship, the imagination, the anticipation were part of growing close. Falling in love, well maybe lust. Congradation idiots. You have no idea what you are missing out on.

  4. It’s an 0bamaDate now. They all have a PIN and a phone. Electronics and Emojis do their romancing for them. Kids are so smart nowadays. So smart they don’t know the internet is forever.
    in the 80’s, you could call someone a whore and it would just be a mean rumor or heresay. Now? There’s proof! LOL

  5. hope it was a controlled operation by LEO going through those phones because that’s handling CP. That’s a lawsuit or arrest waiting to happen if it was done by a bunch of “pervs” in a closed room passing around iphones with pree-teen junk on them. yikes

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