SCHUMER CONFIRMS: Marco Rubio was “totally committed” to 2013 Obama-La Raza Amnesty bill – IOTW Report

SCHUMER CONFIRMS: Marco Rubio was “totally committed” to 2013 Obama-La Raza Amnesty bill

rubio ms8

“He was not only totally committed— he was in that room with us, with four Democrats, four Republicans… for hours a day, week after week after week,” Schumer told CNN. “His fingerprints are all over that bill. It has a lot of Rubio imprints.”  More at DougRoss

9 Comments on SCHUMER CONFIRMS: Marco Rubio was “totally committed” to 2013 Obama-La Raza Amnesty bill

  1. Of course, he’s bound by his creed to say anything to help the Witch and hurt her adversary, whomever that may be in the end. Doesn’t hurt Rubio with the Hispanic vote if you think about it, because you know nothing will change but minor things (maybe…don’t trust the guy a dimes worth on the issue), but hurts him in the middle-right. Which means he’s worried about him in the general. Poisoning the well for him. I’m not against that. Rubio has the chops but he sounds like he just wants to be the one who can run the existing behemoth better than them. We need something different.

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