Germany: ‘Migrants’ Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens – IOTW Report

Germany: ‘Migrants’ Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens

ellwangen germany

DC Clothesline: Residents in the German town of Ellwangen are reporting that thousands of migrants who recently arrived are defecating on people’s gardens, staging riots in church and stealing from local stores, while police in the area struggle to cope with the disorder.


14 Comments on Germany: ‘Migrants’ Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens

  1. Are you hinting at the Four Esses?

    Too bad the German serfs have been effectively neutered in their ability to use firearms to defend themselves against the Muzzie Hoard. So there goes two of the four esses. but I’m sure that once the tipping point has been reached, the serfs will find a way to fight back, regain the first ess (suppress – quietly, quietly) and will continue on to becoming CITIZENS.

  2. Unfortunately, Germans don’t have the same easy access to firearms that Americans do. And the Polizi, being the Gooberment agents that they are, are handicapped by numerous rules and regulations to react after the fact.

    But I DO remember the “good ol’ days” of the Bader-Meinhoff terrorist group, when the Polizi carried sub-machine guns, were quick on the trigger, and a force to be feared and reckoned with.

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