Obama looking to appoint open borders activist as head of U.S. Border Patrol – IOTW Report

Obama looking to appoint open borders activist as head of U.S. Border Patrol

Wyblog: Hey, let’s put the fox in charge of the henhouse, and make the US one big sanctuary city!

A former San Francisco police chief and vocal supporter of a sanctuary cities policy is on a short list of candidates to become the new chief of the Border Patrol, according to sources.

As police chief, Heather Fong shielded illegal immigrants, including aliens who committed crimes, from deportation. In contrast, it is the job of the U.S. Border Patrol to catch and deport all illegal immigrants, including those with a criminal history.

What could go wrong?

11 Comments on Obama looking to appoint open borders activist as head of U.S. Border Patrol

  1. I don’t like to mock physical features of people but in this libtard’s case may I suggest we line the boarder with pictures of her face. That should turn back even the rapists. Hey, if I’ve got to take a hit because I’m white then it’s time to throw it back at them.

  2. Hussein 0bama is the only criminal son of a bitch in history that I hate more and more each day.

    He has no regard for actual national security. Everything with him is political maneuvering.

    Go to hell 0bama, you evil piece of shit! And take that S.F. bitch with you.

  3. There is a photo of Fong with a female Sargent who used to be a man and a male lieutenant who used to be a woman, or visa versa.

    “The streets of San Francisco” used to be a great show.

  4. I did a brief look at the article and photograph.

    Without reading it, would I be incorrect in guessing she a lesbian also?

    BHO always dig deep into the well for homely lesbians with a leftist credentials for such jobs. Maybe it a blackmail thing.

    I lust made a bet riding on this, so mow I need to read it and I either collect or pay.

  5. “La Fong! Heather LaFong! Capital L! Small a! Capital F! Small o! Small n! Small g! LaFong! Heather LaFong!”

    “No, I haven’t seen Heather LaFong, capital L, small a, capital F, small o, small n, small g…and even if I did I wouldn’t admit it.”

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