Terror Group Leader Appointed to Florida School Board – IOTW Report

Terror Group Leader Appointed to Florida School Board

The fox isn’t just in the hen-house, he’s eating our young.


I have been warning of this for years. My book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, details how to fight back. We need an army of Davids.

“Terror Group Leader Appointed to School Board”, By
Joe Kaufman, FGM, November 12, 2015

CAIR’s she-wolf, Ghazala Salam, is guarding the school house.

Ghazala Salam is a local leader in the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). She also helps run annual events for Islamic Relief. Both CAIR and Islamic Relief have serious ties to global terrorist organizations. The two have been named terrorist groups themselves. Knowing this, it is inconceivable that Salam has been appointed to different advisory boards within the Broward County government and was named to a leadership position in the local League of Women Voters (LWV). It is time for Broward to purge itself of this terror-tied individual.   MORE


8 Comments on Terror Group Leader Appointed to Florida School Board

  1. Where are the American Muzz who speak out against terrorism?

    Seriously, has anybody heard from an American Muzz on anything to put the skids on terrorist recruitment and infiltration?

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