France Is Now Warning Pope Francis That The Muslims Could Murder Him – IOTW Report

France Is Now Warning Pope Francis That The Muslims Could Murder Him


Shoebat: France is now warning the Pope that the Muslims could kill him in his coming trip to the Central African Republic, which is a nation that is being occupied by French troops (its a former French colony). France affirmed that if the Pope does not heed to the warning, they will not provide Francis with any security. The Central African Republic is a hot spot for jihadism and many Christians have been butchered in this land. According to the report: MORE HERE

37 Comments on France Is Now Warning Pope Francis That The Muslims Could Murder Him

  1. Hold on there! He’s God on earth – or at least that’s what he claims to be. You can’t kill God. Yet he is a man that’s going to die like the rest of us. His mission is to save the world not himself. Muzzies don’t care who they kill, they just kill for the thrill.

  2. All the atrocities committed by the goat humpers. All the rape, the murders, the destruction of churches, and your main concern is climate change. Oh please please please, go visit Africa, Syria, Yemen, all the rest of Islam.

  3. I’ll never forger “Storm’n” Norman Schwarzkopf in the Gulf War. I have never been able to find the quote, but I heard him say it when he was interviewed over in Iraq and was asked by an idiot [paraphrasing], ‘how do you fight a people who are willing to die for their cause (or beliefs).’ His answer: “You accommodate them.”

  4. The real Catholic Church had knights willing to die to defend her honor. As in, piercing Muslims with swords until dead.

    I don’t know why anybody bothers with the Catholic Church now. Just save some time and send your check to Planned Parenthood or Al Gore or the U. N.

    There’s no fight in this dog anymore.

  5. Swap the word ISIS with Mooslem and you’ll have her nailed. A radical Muzzie wants to kill you and a moderate one wants him to do it. They also have a saying. “American Blood is the best”

  6. The only crusade this piece of shit of a phony baloney infiltrator of a Jesuit, Marxist, liberation theologian antipope is interested in leading or even supporting would be against western civilization.

  7. The Evangelicals are following suit.
    I want to bash my radio in every time I hear their commercial urging pro-life christians to call Sen Kirk and urge him to vote for the EPA plan. They must be well financed. The commercial airs night and day on conservative talk radio. They hijacked the pro-life movement to promote the climate change b.s.

  8. This pope (notice the lower case “p”) is another liberal snowflake who believes in the protection of unicorns. He doesn’t “offend” the muzzies because he “understands” them.
    I wonder if they’ll allow him a moment of prayer before the draw the knife across his throat for the first cut?

  9. A pope is not considered “God.” He is the “Vicar of Christ.”

    “Vicar” means ‘representative’, not ‘the person himself’. A ‘representative’ of God is not God. God’s ‘prime minister’, God’s appointed leader–is still not God –yet because of the authority invested in the leader through God, that leader may act ‘for’ God.

    If you read history carefully, you will see that often if a king had to leave his country (for any reason) he would appoint a prime minister or vicar to run the country FOR him whilst he was away.

    The prime minister would be given a royal ‘seal’ of authority. Any decisions that the minister would make while the king was gone were to be treated as if the KING HIMSELF had made the decision. That is the kind of authority the prime minister has. He acts ‘for the king’ –his decisions while the king has put him in power are to be given the same weight as the king’s own decisions when the king is present–but he is still not the king, and when the king returns, the prime minister surrenders his staff and his power ‘back’ to the king, if the king has no further need of him.

    And, I would add, his “infallibility” is said to ONLY pertain to Church dogma, not global warming or any other secular stuff.

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