Angela Merkel orders shut down of websites that slam Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and terrorists posing as refugees – IOTW Report

Angela Merkel orders shut down of websites that slam Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and terrorists posing as refugees

merkel bot

h/t The Bullpen

BareNakedIslam: Berlin police say they’ve raided 10 buildings in the German capital as part of a crackdown on ‘far-right hate speech’ on social media networks against Merkel’s suicidal policy of taking in masses of Syrian Muslim ‘refugees’ most of whom are neither Syrian nor refugees.  MORE

29 Comments on Angela Merkel orders shut down of websites that slam Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and terrorists posing as refugees

  1. Good plan douchebag-shut down the sites that are providing information that your corrupt media refuses to report.

    Don’t worry, no one will notice the crime, rapes, looting, murder and what not these “immigrants” are causing

    Look for similar actions here.

  2. Planting the seeds of Kristallnacht II. I’ll give the huns two years before the sh*t hits the fan.

    The modern day equivalents of the brown shirts will be back in the street beating up liberals and communist just like in the 1930s, except his time we’ll be cheering them on.

  3. So far, that’s just about 100% of the “gov’ts” of the “West” committing treason, selling out their countries, and getting away with it.

    Fuckin Krauts better wake up – quick!

    Or Germany becomes Germanistan.

  4. Ah, let the “book burning” begin. Her Uncle Adolf would be proud. The bitch is a brown shirt and former Stasi member with Muzzy lovin sheep raper tendencies. If she starts wearing a black leather jacket again…..

  5. This woman, was touted as a conservative not even ten years ago. Just another example of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She will be the response I have to those who women will make better leaders, they say women are more compassionate yet at what cost???? Who did not see this shit coming???

  6. They can try to shut people up, but all it does is infuriate and inflame the situation all the more. Insane things are going to happen right quick, and none of it will be a surprise to any of us. Trump was/is right about immigrants.

  7. Merkel is now paying the debit on her soul for the life she has led. Around the world we will see this kind of leadership as they (the soulless) pay there debt to evil by prostrating the world to Satan.

  8. Note that the German Police are ” obeying her orders.” I wonder if they have warrants? Like General Warrants? Issued by some hack judge without probable cause? A violation of our 4th Amendment. Will our police act accordingly if, by executive order, Obama suspends the 4th Amendment, for our own good, of course!
    The civilized world needs new leadership, otherwise we are toast

  9. The second amendment will eventually protect the 4th, and all other amendments. When they decide to come for the guns, all order will be restored, power will be returned to the people.

    First, they are going to have a hard time finding law enforcement to follow their orders. Second, the ones that do, are not going to want to be down a gravel road in flyover country, miles away from anyone, knocking on a door to say “I’m from the government, give me your guns”.

    And one of these ass clowns is going to make that overreach soon. The demmies truly don’t know what they are stirring up after 70 years.

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