BREAKING: French Warplanes Strike ISIS in Raqqa, Syria – IOTW Report
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50 Comments on BREAKING: French Warplanes Strike ISIS in Raqqa, Syria

  1. “Cheese eating surrender monkeys” who would rather “fuck each other in the face than fight” are killing ISIS while our Preznit cannot even say the word “izlam” – what a world.

  2. Breaking news headline at the top of right now. Good for the French, it looks like they’re targeting ISIS and paying them back for what happened in Paris on Friday. C’mon barry, get some balls and start killing these bastards before they hit us. What part of war don’t you understand? Bring out the B52’s and carpet bomb these barbarians into oblivion.

  3. We already have whiny Libtards opening their stupid pie-holes “what about the innocent civilians?” THERE ARE NO INNOCENT CIVILIANS in Raqqa. They were ALL raped, killed, driven out by ISIS!

  4. Wonderful news. I stood up and sang “La Marseillaise” (which I learned in high school French class) at full volume.

    “Aux armes, citoyens,” indeed!

    Also good advice for us–if Bawwy is listening.

  5. When they showed the location where jihadi john was targeted they also showed in the picture that it was just a block from a isis command center. How in the hell are these places still standing? This farce of a CIC is clearly not interested in doing his job!

  6. Meh–shrugs shoulders. Am watching french tv–saw prez of eu– they have no plans to revise immigration policies.

    Holland is a commie Muslim lover in bed with Frau Merkel. Both of whose populations unarmed and at the will of these murderous savages. If only Holland had gone into the multiple (and rapidly. growing) no goo zones in France …

  7. Yes, warplanes is the correct term for an aircraft that has no other function. A transport plane C5 or C130 could be used for civilian or military purposes, an F-15 could not

  8. They bombed training areas for ISIS. We, the US, should have bombed them years ago. As Trump said “Bomb the shit out of them.” And keep bombing. Then invade with thousands of troops and kill everything that moves or crawls.
    Keep the bleeding hearts off the airways. Muzzle the bastards.
    Nothing but pure unadulterated war propaganda until IS IS WAS WAS.
    Then let the intellectuals explain what happened. I, for one, will not give a flying fuck once the world is rid of radical islam, radical muslims, radical politicians, and radical fucking professors.

    Viva freedom from political correctness.

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