Jindal Ends 2016 Race – IOTW Report

Jindal Ends 2016 Race

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says he is dropping out of 2016 race for president, ending a campaign that failed to gain much support among Republicans.

In an interview Tuesday afternoon on Fox News, Jindal says, “This isn’t my time.”

29 Comments on Jindal Ends 2016 Race

  1. Yet Lindsey Graham is still in the race.
    We all have our opinions on Jindal. Like him for preey, like him but not for preezy, don’t really like him as preezy but he’s a nice guy, etc.
    But who the fuck likes Lindsey Graham??? I have NEVER seen anyone say he/she would vote, liked, supported Graham, online or in person. Nobody.

  2. i agree

    i don’t know everything about this guy, but i will always remember how he stood as a solid leader during the oil spill, while obama went golfing

    that was a clear wtf moment

  3. Jindal was a good Governor his first term, then he decided he wanted to the President and started making political moves to make him look good to the country instead of governing the state for the citizens of Louisiana. He’ll finish office with a 30% approval. Good Riddance!

  4. Nope-his backers want their pound of flesh, he’ll be the last one to go.

    So far none of the splitters have dropped out-when we see Christie or Kasich or Graham or Rubio even Bush bail then we know we’ve(that is, conservatives) won.

  5. Has anyone ever asked him who he’s dating? LOL.
    Could you imagine?

    “Sen. Graham, who are you dating?”
    – I’m too busy in politics for a relationship.
    “I see. But is there anyone you like to call? Hang out with? That could maybe turn into a romantic relationship further down the road?”
    – Well, I guess so…”
    “Who, senator?”
    – Pat.

    OMG, I need a microphone and some tickets to DC. I’ll get the scoop. 😀

  6. So we’re down to what, thirteen now?

    Hmm, let’s see……Bush, Carson, Christie, Cruz, Fiorina, Graham, Huckabee, Kasich, Rubio, Santorum, Trump…… shit, I’m short two candidates.

    Following this field is as confusing as trying to keep track of the baseball post-season after the last expansion.

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