Bullsh!tters, Bills and Bombs – IOTW Report

Bullsh!tters, Bills and Bombs

Via Washington Times-

  1. Rep. Blake Farenthold: Obama admin ‘lying’ to Americans on refugee vetting.

“They’re basically lying to you saying, ‘oh we’ve got this vetting process to make sure that their safe.’ But you had the FBI director testify before Congress, under oath saying that if they have no information on someone they have nothing to vet them against,” Mr. Farenthold said in a radio interview with The Washington Time’s Tim Constantine.

2. House GOP leaders plan bill to ‘pause’ Obama’s Syrian refugee resettlement plans.

House Republicans are rushing to try to vote this week on a bill that would halt President Obama’s Syrian refugee resettlement plans, with the emerging proposal calling for the Homeland Security, FBI and national intelligence chiefs to have to sign off on each refugee.

Top Republicans, led by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, huddled Tuesday afternoon to settle on a strategy, and an aide said their proposal “would be an effective pause of the program.”

Senate Republicans seemed less intent on quick action, making it more likely the fight rolls over the Thanksgiving holiday next week and becomes part of the year-end spending battle already shaping up.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said much depends on what the White House is “open to.”

“There’s broad concern about this,” Mr. McConnell said.

3. Germany-Netherlands soccer game canceled after police find bomb-laden ambulance nearby.

HANNOVER, Germany — The friendly soccer game between Germany and the Netherlands was canceled at short notice because of the serious threat of an attack at the stadium — and local media report police found an explosive-laden ambulance nearby.

“We had concrete evidence that someone wanted to set off an explosive device in the stadium,” Hannover police chief Volker Kluwe told German TV.

5 Comments on Bullsh!tters, Bills and Bombs

  1. There is no foolproof vetting process, in it’s best form, that will guarantee your safety. To add insult to injury these are Syrian Muslims who won’t be vetted at all and they have a long simmering hate for us! By all means Hussein haul your buddies in!!!!!!

  2. For starters, how do you “vet” someone who is carrying a fake Syrian passport?? One of the biggest cottage industries in Turkey right now is making fake Syrian passports for fake “Syrian refugees”.

    Next, many of those same fake passport holders are not even Syrian. Most of the IS fighters are not Syrian or Iraqi but just about any other nationality. Wait until the French investigation is complete and the fact about who these guys were and how they got in are released.

    I expect Obama to remain true to type, not admit any mistakes and make no deviations whatsoever that might show the slightest hint of error in the Obama Doctrine. Democrats are already worried and this just scares them all shitless, at the prospect of being called upon to back this dumbass up.

  3. More Failure Theater from Congress. They’re talking tough and proposing tough legislative toughness, but it all comes down to what Barky is “open to”.

    Remember how Congress shut down the Central American Death Train Kid migration with bold, decisive action? Yeah, me neither. I’ve no confidence in those two micks getting shit done.

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