Arrested Trump Rally Protester is Convicted Bomber of Marine Recruitment Center – IOTW Report

Arrested Trump Rally Protester is Convicted Bomber of Marine Recruitment Center

trump protestor bombed marine recruitment office

TheLastRefuge: It would appear that Donald Trump got the Secret Service detail just in the nick of time.  One of the protesters from Trump’s campaign stop in Massachusetts yesterday is namedPeter Rondon.  He was arrested and convicted for trying to bomb a Marine Recruitment center in ’05: A Domestic Terrorist !


16 Comments on Arrested Trump Rally Protester is Convicted Bomber of Marine Recruitment Center

  1. Law Enforcement tracks down, turns over to the DOJ for botched judgments, liberal sentencing, and then they walk out of prisons either by escaping or being set free by Barky….to do it all over again. Seems the logical remedy is shorten the process like foreign countries do. Higher death rates for felons, but fewer repeated offenses. Refugee terrorists would be disinclined to invade the USA then.

  2. Another violent liberal democrat. They need to be targeted and jailed. Why was this pig allowed to roam the streets instead confined to the mental ward day room watching The View, The Chew, or Dr. Drew ??? Ewwww…..

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