How the Media Smeared Donald Trump as a Nazi – IOTW Report

How the Media Smeared Donald Trump as a Nazi

BigGovernment: A story is making the rounds on Facebook that claims Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is calling for “ID badges” for American Muslims. The image on the story is of Jewish children wearing yellow starts during the Holocaust. Very frightening–and a lie.

Step 1: Seed. The lie begins with a Yahoo! profile in which Trump is asked, supposedly (the reporter does not provide his exact question), if he would “require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion.”

Trump does not say yes or no. Instead, he dodges the question, and comes back to the question of monitoring mosques (which the U.S. has done in the past): “We’re going to have to–we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

The Yahoo! reporter, Hunter Walker (a hater of note), construes Trump’s answer as follows: “He wouldn’t rule it out.”

Step 2: Amplify.

12 Comments on How the Media Smeared Donald Trump as a Nazi

  1. “Step 5: Nazi. Now the dregs of the Internet begin to play up what Yahoo!-CNN-NBC have produced, with Raw Story reporting: “Trump crosses the Nazi line:

    Maybe Muslims should wear special ID badges.”

    Yes, I actually like that idea, and to think, it originated with Yahoo. Wow! Frilliant.

  2. Media smeared Carson enough that his poll numbers dropped precipitously……now they’re predictably going after Trump……on the same type of trumped up bull crap

  3. Here’s how Newsmax carried the lie. Totally fucked up.

    “Trump, speaking to an NBC News reporter… Iowa……was asked if there should be a database to monitor Muslims in the United States. “I would certainly implement that, absolutely,” he said in on-camera comments. Asked how that differed from efforts last century to track Jews in Nazi Germany, he said: “You tell me.”

    Compared to what I read here (IOTW) and heard what Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin said, I find this Newsmax account outrageous

  4. I just saw Megyn Kelly’s twist on the whole Muslim database setup. Very disappointing. I guess she’s still on the rag. Total setup by the feminine hygiene product reporter from Yahoo, and she should have put it in context.

    That guy in Virginia accusing all Muslims of being terrorists isn’t far off. Where the fuck is their ‘silent majority’, who reject and actively oppose the sickos? Nowhere, mon frere.

  5. Not to worry. Trump has been telling his rally audiences for weeks that it’s about to get really ugly. At the CiC series he spoke at at Wofford college and just days before that in IA, he chuckled and said, “I’ve got something planned (to retaliate) that will be really good. You’re going to love it.”

    The man truly relishes a fight — he does. I don’t think he likes spending (wasting) his money on it, but he’s sure not going to merely go into defensive mode and hope he hangs onto his polling numbers. These idiots that expect to topple him have not been listening when he says that if you punch him, he will punch back ten times harder. Can’t wait to see it!

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