British Christian Brutally Beaten Outside Home By Muslim Neighbours Who Labelled Him a ‘Blasphemer’ – IOTW Report

British Christian Brutally Beaten Outside Home By Muslim Neighbours Who Labelled Him a ‘Blasphemer’


Breitbart London-

A British Christian man has been attacked on the streets of Bradford, England, by men wielding a pickaxe handle – because he converted from Islam to Christianity over a decade ago. The attack is the latest incident in a long campaign of violence and intimidation directed against the man and his family, who have been labelled “blasphemers” by their Muslim neighbours.

Father of six Nissar Hussain was brutally beaten by two hooded thugs outside his home in Mannigham in an unprovoked attack, at about 5pm on Tuesday, suffering a broken kneecap, a fractured forearm and a concussion. Police have confirmed that they are investigating the incident as a targeted attack and a religious hate crime.

The violent beating was captured on Mr Hussain’s own CCTV, set up in response to a sustained campaign of intimidation wielded against the family over the last few years.

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12 Comments on British Christian Brutally Beaten Outside Home By Muslim Neighbours Who Labelled Him a ‘Blasphemer’

  1. Islam: the religion of peace. You just have to understand that, like the Soviets, they have their own perverted definition. “Peace” means everybody in the world coerced/converted to their ideology.

    Actually, Mr. Hussain is, according to the mohammadmen, an apostate – he renounced Islam for another faith. The mohammadmen’s obligation is very clearly spelled out in their instruction manual: apostates need to be killed.

  2. I agree with Uncle Al, the fate for this man ought to have been death if the muslims had followed their usual course of action. I wonder what changed their minds? Maybe they’re trying to get better press in the west although considering their actions over the last decades it would be difficult to improve on what they’re getting from the progressives news outlets now.

  3. All that “Christianity stuff” from pResident Taqiyya is just Barry being Barry.
    H’e far too valuable in “his current Position” (< H/T R.Love) screwing America into a typical third world country.
    If he lives long enough, Dictator DownLow will be dragged up to a roof for his long overdue Off Throwing
    (will have plenty of popcorn on hand for the Honorific event)

  4. Could be taquiyya, I suppose, but appearing to be an apostate while not actually being one seems extraordinarily risky. He’d have to be sure that any and all mohammadmen he’d run across would have to be in on the deception otherwise they’d (properly) kill him.

  5. Muslims & Democrats same way of thinking.

    You’re a blasphemer to a Muslim if you don’t totally go along with them.

    Bipartisanship only exist when republicans support democrat legislation. Never the other way round. Oddly – the republican leadership thinks the same way. Hint, hint Mitch McConnell & his pals.

    Anyway, if I ran England the Muslims who beat this man & their entire family & close friends would be dropped at 3a.m. on the street of their home country within 24 hours. Pretty soon the rest of the Muslim community would wise up, behave or be whisked off back to the hell hole country you came from. Any lawyer who objected would be joining them.

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