Fugitive Paris jihadist loved gay bars, drugs and PlayStation – IOTW Report

Fugitive Paris jihadist loved gay bars, drugs and PlayStation

Clutch the pearls!

NYPost: The missing Paris jihadist had a taste for gay sex, drugs and PlayStation.

gay jihadi paris

As the international manhunt for 26-year-old Belgian Salah Abdeslam continued, patrons of a gay bar in Brussels told The Sunday Times of London that he was a regular there — known for boozing, smoking hash and flirting with other men.

“We had him down as a rent boy,” a bartender named Julien said of Abdeslam, who’s been on the run since the Nov. 13 attacks on Paris.

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22 Comments on Fugitive Paris jihadist loved gay bars, drugs and PlayStation

  1. When gay muzzies have a fling, it’s usually off a tall building. What was he hoping for – 72 Charles Nelson Reillys? Hillary Clinton, one of his staunchest supporters, reiterated that it takes a Village People.

  2. This jihadi faggot is a lot like the pedophile muhammad.

    Of course the practitioners of the devil’s religion are going to be attracted to the practices of the sodomites.
    What they never mention is the goat sex. Even the imams say goat sex is halal, as long as they sell the goat to a different tribe afterwards.

  3. Him and Barrack Hussein Obama loved at least 2 of the same things, I’m not sure if Barrack Hussein loves Play Station if he does then that’s all 3.

    However they have more in common:
    They both have a special place in their heart for Islam, and no place for Americans or America. I bet the two of them have a lot more in common.

  4. I was debating a SJW law student, and when I mentioned that sociopaths have no empathy or respect for the law his head exploded. “Are you calling all gay people sociopaths!”. Of course not. But predators like this creep use the gay rights movement as cover. And right on cue, as soon as SCOTUS invented a “right” to gay marriage, NAMBLA and other pervs came out demanding acceptance of their “alternate views”.

    Anyway, this guy is not gay, he’s a sociopath. Thats why, like Charles Manson, they rape men and children just as happily as they rape women. But socialism and chaos always puts the most violent people in charge, i.e.: sociopaths. Ernst Roehm wasn’t gay either.

  5. Is this another way of telling us this guy was just one of the thousands of Saudi Prince’s?

    Those indolent, depraved motherfuckers with a shitload of money?

    Almost exactly like the spawn of our political class here? The ones that know the law doesn’t apply to them. That a phone call from dad will stop the investigation, the prosecution, even the report of the crime in the news? What a surprise.

    I’ve seen this at work in high school rape cases. The boy was on track for the NFL. Or in another case, the son of a local prominent doctor.

    The investigations in both cases were closed, quietly, with no finding of wrong doing.

    The right people found their political reelection campaigns had a sudden influx of cash. I’m quite sure that was coincidence.

    This ain’t new and it damn sure ain’t novel to our society.

  6. Not surprising…..

    moslems males are allowed to be the “receiver” in homosexual relationships until they reach maturity….ie 18 years of age…..

    After 18 years of age, they can only be the “plugger” or they get their arses tossed off a building…..

    Don’t believe me…..do some research.

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