1 in 6 Alcohol-Related Deaths in the World Occurs in Russia – IOTW Report

1 in 6 Alcohol-Related Deaths in the World Occurs in Russia

russian drunk

InterpreterMag: [Staunton, November 23] Even though Russians represent less than three percent of the world’s population, one of every six alcohol-related deaths in the world occurs within the borders of the Russian Federation, a figure that means Russia is overrepresented in this category by more than 500 percent.

But as tragic as that figure is, the situation in some parts of the Russian Federation – particularly those with predominantly ethnic Russian populations and in extreme climatic conditions – is far worse than in others, particularly those with predominantly Muslim populations and less extreme weather. more here

22 Comments on 1 in 6 Alcohol-Related Deaths in the World Occurs in Russia

  1. Don’t kid yourselves. It’s happening here too.

    In fact, the mortality rate (life expectancy) for middle aged white Americans has DECREASED by 22% over just the last 15 years.

    It’s called lack of opportunity. No jobs, a pending shitty retirement, or worse, no retirement, a country that doesn’t give a Fiddler’s fuck about them continuing to drown them in cheap illegals, an EPA wiping out entire blue collar industries, women’s lib, shitty marriages, kids that don’t call, the whole magilla….

    And with this lack of self worth/depression comes the pile up of resultant suicides, drug abuse, alcoholism, and viola! , you’ve got Obama’s Audacious Dream coming true, right before your eyes!

    The white folks, in their final act of witless surrender, are obliging Obama and BLM and dying early! Yippee!!!!

  2. Seriously though, one of the bright spots in my business is we do a ton of work for a big booze retailer in these parts.

    To say that Obama hasn’t been good for their business is like suggesting that he doesn’t know how to sell guns, either!

  3. The busiest isle in any grocery store that I go to seems to be the liquor isle. I think to myself “Don’t these ass holes know this is bad for them”. As I walk to the checker with my bottle of Drambuie.

  4. The Russkies are the Gold Standard of Drunkenness. If the Olympics had a Drinking Event the Russians would win Gold, Silver, Bronze & the next 10 also-rans
    So eat, drink & be merry this holiday season. Because, no matter how much you try, you can’t outdrunk the Russkies 🙂

  5. I encountered 3 of them on a cruise ship in the elevator. Every time they talked they would spit – yes spit. WTH! They were fat too and obnoxious. The fat lady said something to me (I guess it was written on my face that I had never seen a drunk Russian). I pushed the next deck on the elevator and when the door opened I said “I didn’t know the circus was on the ship – you know the fat lady and the fat man.” I was too quick for them to catch up to me. 🙂

  6. I still remember the Paul Harvey story about the poor drunk Russian guy in Siberia who went to relieve himself outside on a frozen wall when it was well below zero who got his willie stuck on the wall and they had to come and remove him and his frozen dick from the wall. I bet that hurt! I wonder if the guy’s name was Flick or Schwartz in Russian.

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