Turkey and Russia – As seen on Facebook – IOTW Report

Turkey and Russia – As seen on Facebook


h/t Cakes.

putin ham

9 Comments on Turkey and Russia – As seen on Facebook

  1. Kinda funny nobodies talking about ISIS killing one of the pilots while he was suspended in a parachute and blowing up a rescue helicopter with a US tow missile. Does the Geneva Convention no longer apply?

  2. Why would it, Brad? Remember, we’re the ones supporting the “moderate musloids” with the TOW Missiles and other arms.

    Because stupid, evil people continue to run America.

  3. My point exactly. Stupid evil Muslem people. And not just Barry. We have been told the Muslem Brotherhood has infiltrated our government. If this is reality they’re not leaving because of a little thing like an election. They NEED your guns. If all this is true, good people will start dying.

  4. Obola has succeeded.
    Beyond his wildest nightmares.

    The “Loyal Opposition” are a bunch of Menshevik cowards.
    Our “Allies” know we are in steep decline.
    Our “Enemies” know we are in steep decline and have to consider whether to act now, or wait to see if we will become weaker next year (a la – a socialist victory – JEB!, Rubio, HRC, or another).
    The feckless and pusillanimous Republicrats (Mensheviks) have refused to indict him, remove his un-Constitutional health insurance scam, reverse the un-Constitutional “right” to pervert “marriage,” curtail his obvious and blatant corruptions plundering the Treasury, forbid his arming, aiding, and abetting ISIS and the moslem brotherhood, indicted him for the assassination of Amb. Stevens, indicted him for illegal gun-running to mexican drug cartels, or impeached him for his participation in Jon Gruber’s conspiracy to deceive and defraud his sovereign (i.e. Treason).

    And now we are gazing, like mesmerized natives who are seeing electric lights for the first time, Iran with nuclear weapons, a flood of illegal alien invading rat-people from our southern border, a flood of murderous izlamic savages from Syria (and parts unknown), a rebellion of our do-nothing feral ghetto dwellers, and discontent on our “learning” institutions (baby sitting farms) from children who don’t even know what they’re whining about.

    And we sit … waiting for … what? Another bullshitter? To lead us across the next river? Over the next mountain range? To the “Promised Land?” To the Third Empire?

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