BLM Radio Host Threatens Journalist for Reporting Truth About Protests – IOTW Report

BLM Radio Host Threatens Journalist for Reporting Truth About Protests

Damon Williams, the co-host of Air Go Radio and a Black Lives Matters protester, threatened to beat up a journalist who was reporting the truth about protests in Chicago.

Williams himself posted online about the incident, apparently unaware that threatening to beat up a journalist for taking pictures would make him look bad.

“Super F#CK The Chicago Tribune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he wrote today. He then elaborated, writing:

Apparently, protesters were “angry at a car” because it was using a public road that they were blocking. A reporter for the Chicago Tribune tried to take a picture of the protesters being “angry,” and for whatever reason, Williams decided that a report on what they were actually doing at the protests could not be allowed.

He then kept physically putting himself in front of the journalist. The reporter then apparently told Williams was limiting the 1st Amendment right for the press to report freely on news.

In response, Williams had this reaction:
Moron 2

iOTW was the first news site to report on the incident.

12 Comments on BLM Radio Host Threatens Journalist for Reporting Truth About Protests

  1. Ummm. . . hate to break to the DeMSM, but the whole 1A thing ONLY refers to the FedGov NOT passing laws that restrict the freedom of the press. So Mr BLM can get all in your face as much as he wants. As irritating as it is, ain’t breakin’ no laws there.

    ‘Course, the DeMSM have kinda shot themselves in the foot with their biased reporting of political propaganda as “news” and “fact”, so fewer and fewer CITIZENS (as opposed to serfs, sheeple and LIFs) trust and read/watch/listen to them anymore.

  2. From B Woodman: “Ummm. . . hate to break to the DeMSM, but the whole 1A thing ONLY refers to the FedGov NOT passing laws that restrict the freedom of the press. So Mr BLM can get all in your face as much as he wants. As irritating as it is, ain’t breakin’ no laws there.”

    Excellent point.

    As a counter move, all you need is Mr. BLM to TOUCH you. Then you can pepper spray his ass to a fare thee well.

    I verbally taunted a thief who had lifted a waitresses’ purse until he put a hand on my chest. That is battery in the state I live in. The open handed slap I delivered (I later was told) relieved him of his left eardrum.

    My statement to the arresting officer took less than three minutes. He asked if my hand was OK, and did I want to file additional charges.

  3. @Jukin: Let me serve as your cultural tour guide. Those people rioting are not “blacks”. They are in fact “niggers”, as spoken of and documented in contemporary ‘Rap Music’.

    The behaviors you enjoy when the “niggers” get their mad on are only displayed by the cultural segment of negroes that inhabit the left side of the Bell Curve of Negro intelligence.

    They don’t ‘know no betta”, they can’t be educated into ‘knowin’ betta’, and you’ll seriously piss them off if you try. (See: Riot, above)

    Personally, I reserve the term, “Blacks” for Americans who want a better life for their children, abhor crime that hurts individuals, and somehow manage to stay employed.

    Well shit, by that definition, I’m “Black” too.

    So I guess the “Black” part don’t work too well.

  4. It would be nice if Whites would quit supporting sports, quit falling over themselves for back athletes.

    The majority of people in the stands for pro and college football and basketball are Whites. Unfortunately, I know it is a pipe dream to think Whites would give up sports to quit supporting racist blacks

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