Teacher fired over ‘morbid obesity’ – IOTW Report

Teacher fired over ‘morbid obesity’

EAG: MUNCIE, Ind. – An Indiana teacher who lost his job for “poor classroom management” is suing his former school, alleging he was actually terminated because he’s very fat, and that’s against the law.

Muncie Area Career Center Teacher Tim Crehan filed a federal lawsuit against Muncie Community Schools Oct. 27 alleging the district violated the Americans with Disabilities Act when they fired him about two years ago – in October 2013, The Star Press reports.

Muncie Teachers Association President Pat Kennedy told the news site the union wasn’t involved with the lawsuit, but did fight to help him fight his evaluation with the school board that ultimately showed he met performance expectations in his teacher evaluation.

Crehan is now using the teacher evaluation as evidence that he was allegedly fired for the wrong reasons. The school board approved Crehan’s termination Oct. 10, 2013 in a 4-1 vote based on “poor classroom management,” “neglect of duty,” and “not meeting performance improvement plans,” according to the news site.

In the lawsuit, Crehan attempts to explain away several incidents that occurred in his classroom.  read more

7 Comments on Teacher fired over ‘morbid obesity’

  1. I demand privileged minority status because I am normal.

    Obesity isn’t a medical problem although plenty of medical problems can result. Fo rPete’s sake lay off the junk food, bread, potatoes, pasta, desserts, sugar….

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