Lebanese Official Claims NATO ‘Okayed’ Turkey’s Downing Of Russian Jet – IOTW Report

Lebanese Official Claims NATO ‘Okayed’ Turkey’s Downing Of Russian Jet

russian jet shot down by turks

Turkey could only have shot down a Russian Su-24 military jet after securing permission from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), charged Lebanon’s Druze leader Walid Jumblatt in an exclusive interview with Breitbart.



8 Comments on Lebanese Official Claims NATO ‘Okayed’ Turkey’s Downing Of Russian Jet

  1. The NATO is a progressive construct and as such is on the side of increased innocent human suffering, misery and death. Russia is on the side of KILLING the progressive movement’s allies in ISIS and as such… you do the math.

    Putin is all about increasing Russian strength and it would be nice if we could point to one entity in the west that was focused on increasing the strength of governments that have no history of expansionism etc.

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