San Bernardino Shooting, December 2, 2015 Live Updates – IOTW Report

San Bernardino Shooting, December 2, 2015 Live Updates

5:48: Lack of new info is causing me to slow down the updates.


5:40: Witness says one of the shooters was wearing “tactical” gear and was “big.”

5:34: “People are not being told to stay indoors, just to be vigilant. We have suspects at large but we have absolutely no idea where they are.” – Sgt. Vicki Cervantes, a San Bernardino City Police spokeswoman.



5:26: Obama: “Pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”

5:22: Authorities know little about suspects. Only describe them as “three people” with “long guns” who escaped in a car that was likely a “dark SUV.”

5:20: Cal State San Bernardino still open until 6pm local time.

5:16: All schools in area locked down.

5:12: Shooting lasted only 3 or 4 minutes. Police did not exchange fire.

5:10: “Gunmen came prepared as if they were on a mission.” -Police

5:05: Police: Unknown if shooters said anything before opening fire. No guns have been recovered.

5:03: Police: shooters were “prepared.” Used “long guns.”

5:01: Police: “We do not know if this is a terrorist incident.”

4:58: Police: upwards of 14 dead and 14 injured.

4:57: Press conference beginning now.

4:55: Martin O’Malley: in the wake of this shooting, “it’s time to stand up to the NRA.”

4:53: Golfers on adjacent golf course still trying to play through.

4:51: Police: “No one in custody.”


4:48: President Obama on the situation: we need to look at changing our gun laws.

4:41: Details are exceptionally tough to come by at the moment. Dozens shot, gunmen on the loose, and many, many rumors.

4:37: Press conference to be held in 8 minutes.


4:26: Long rifle cases found on Waterman Ave.
4:23: “Middle Eastern man with beard” may be armed at shopping center.

4:18: Unconfirmed reports of suspect at Roberts Elementary School, which is across from a shopping center.
4:16: Another report of shots heard at shopping center. Possible spotting of man in camouflage in area.

4:13: Police not sure if SUV actually escaped with shooters.

4:12: Police say suspects may have had AK-47-type weapons.

4:11: Unconfirmed reports of shots heard at 2380 North Sterling Target Shopping Center.

4:09: Reports of an abandoned, black SUV at at 1845 Business Center.

4:07: Police say that “multiple shooters” were dressed in “military-style attire.”
4:06: Suspects likely had semi-automatic rifles.

4:04: Units dispatched by police to investigate SUV, heading west.

4:02: SUV matching description by police spotted and being investigated.

4:01: City hall in San Bernardino cleared.


3:52: Police have detonated suspicious package left behind by gunmen after shooting.

3:50: Patton Hospital says gunshot rumors are false.

3:49: Unconfirmed gunshots heard at Patton Hospital.

3:48: At least 3 deaths officially confirmed.

3:47: Unconfirmed reports that two males near Hunt’s Bridge Overpass, which is apparently in San Bernardino, are taking off black clothing.


3:43: Loma Linda University Medical Center is preparing for an influx of victims of the shooting.


3:39: Police: there were likely three shooters who have likely escaped.

3:37: Race of suspects is obviously unconfirmed at this time. Varying reports.
3:35: SUV described as “Black Yukon” driven by person of interest wearing mask.

3:33: Local scanner here:

3:32: Possible reports of a “man down.” Unsure if related to this incident.

3:31: A more detailed map of the area:

3:30: One of the shooters allegedly was “run through” the San Bernardino police department’s system last week.

3:29: The shooters have initially been described as white men in masks.

3:26: A Google Maps image of the area:
Shooting Place

3:23: As of now, the scene is still “active,” and authorities are looking for up to three shooters, who were likely wearing face masks and body armor.

3:21: Word is that the shooting took place during a Christmas party.

3:20 EST: Authorities believe there is likely an improvised explosive left behind by the shooters.

3:18 EST: Authorities are looking for three shooters. They may have escaped in a truck or a black SUV, but that is only a rumor as of this time.

The shooting took place in San Bernardino. There are multiple fatalities. There are possibly as many as a dozen dead with up to 20 shot.

140 Comments on San Bernardino Shooting, December 2, 2015 Live Updates

  1. From the Salon thread:

    Richard Savedra
    Richard Savedra Domestic terrorism, when do we take it for the clear threat that is coming from within? RIP victims of the NRA/GOP.
    Like · Reply · 26 · 10 mins

    Steph Bradford Okay, I just tweeted both my senators. I said there was a mass shooting in progress, now, and that the time for gun regulation was now. Right now. No more delays. I don’t know that twitter bombing our elected officials will help, but I don’t think it’s been done before about this issue.
    Like · Reply · 5 · 6 mins

    Mike Kutilek Almost Every Day! And it’s going to keep happening almost every day until we elect lawmakers IN EACH PARTY that aren’t being held hostage by the NRA.
    Like · Reply · 19 · 14 mins

    Like Reagan said, It’s not that liberals are ignorant, they just know so much that isn’t true.

  2. whenever there is a mass shooting all the libdems and msm just frantically hope and cross fingers that “please please please let it be a tea party right winger!”

    Whereas I’m like “please please please let it be a black muslim democrat illegal alien”

    sad what we’ve come to.

  3. The Inland Regional Center is a private non-profit that nominally provides services to disabled people. They appear to have have lousy labor relations, and also lousy relations with their clients. [Google ‘Inland Regional Center lawsuits’]

    The Patton Hospital is a secure mental hospital, FYI.

  4. There’s no good TV news to watch anymore. I turned on the Fox coverage and queer Shep Smith has some really strange makeup and they threw it to a reporter on the scene and of course we’ll take him seriously because he has a British accent. Terrible adlib from reporters at all networks.

  5. Cameras everywhere in this country, but nobody sees anything?

    From the sounds of it, these characters were uncommonly smooth in there execution (no pun intended).

    Of course, it had to be AR-15’s or AK’s used, and they had to have (illegal) 30 round magazines. Right??

    Uncanny how Obama makes a fool of himself in France spewing his climate change bullshit right after he announces that “Gun Control” will be his last focus for his last year in office – now this.

    Uncannily serendipitous of him to relate terrorism to violent extremism, wasn’t it?

    I’m calling bullshit on this whole event. Too professional of a hit.

  6. Wake me when it’s been shown NOT to be either
    A) a gun-controller’s false flag
    B) muzzie scum

    Until then, it’s just more of Obama’s “farewell” swan song….

  7. Lone wolves seem to be buddying up. They got a SUV for a jihad commute to carry out a “work place” terrorist attack. The police and surviving victims are muzzled. Leftist media continues to lie. While Barry stomps on the 2nd Amendment and tries to create more sheep for the slaughter. America, Wake Up!

  8. Obama has already made a statement saying we need to change our gun laws. There is only one gun law legal in the USA and that is the 2nd amendment to the Constitution which states that it can’t be messed with by politicians (infringed). The only change that can be made then is to amend the Constitution. Good luck with that!

  9. You’re SO right! OH Joy! You truly know what matters!

    Because dis-arming potential victims always makes them safer!

    Brute force should always have its way every day without fear of being shot!

    No woman could ever need a .38 snub nose when a 250 lb man is trying to rape her! And it’s just rape! She’s still alive, maybe, right?

    Our dearest dream – Gangs of large males roaming the streets so they can do whatever they want since no lowly American subject is able to wield a weapon in self defense.

    Just imagine the ecstasy of mob rule!

    We are SO close to having that Utopia!


    Wait. What?

  10. ?serious – quick, check that name on FB and other Socialist Media and save screen shots before some Libtard scrubs the Filthy Moslem Savages’ pages and paints them as far-right Republican country club Christians.

  11. MSM keeps mentioning Planned Parenthood.
    It’s like PP gets shot up every friggin week!

    My question is, what if the PP shooter had shot three women on their way to abort their children,in the stomach?
    The women survive.

    MSM hero?
    Oh yeah, couldn’t sell the parts.

  12. This is how the liberals most hated law man sees it.

    Surrounded by his posse, Sheriff Joe Arpaio asked armed citizens to
    help protect malls this holiday season. Arpaio says nearly 250,000
    Arizonans carry concealed weapons and many more are carrying in the

    “I’m asking for that group to make sure that if some violent
    activity occurs that they take action to defend themselves, and also
    the people around them until law enforcement shows up,” said Arpaio.

    I love living in AZ

  13. One guy in veh, one in street. It was a civilian who said they saw a man running – not verified by helicopter. Only one person said they saw a runner. 2 bodies in car. DON’T know if this is related to the shooting eariler, but seems likely

  14. Glock 19 in the purse holster. It has high capacity magazines. Glock 42 in the pocket De Santis holster. Think I’ll add a Flash Bang to the mix and hope the S&W 66 fits. Maybe the Mossberg Persuader belongs in the trunk.

  15. Did everyone notice the MASSIVE AMOUNT of law enforcement, FBI, ATF, SWAT, etc, vehicles at the site?
    I know the LA area has plenty of cops but damn!

    This is why all that government ammo is being purchased.

    They may be good guys but they may also be the ones that come and get YOUR guns…

  16. The First 48 is crucial. Time is ticking. Lets go guys. Get me some results. Fuck the media. When we have something we’ll let them know. But don’t waste valuable time answering stupid questions. Sgt. Joe Friday

  17. Shep Smith has this huge photo he’s pointing at.( I have him on mute) Reminds me of Eisenhower, Churchill, and Montgomery just before D-Day.
    FBI: “Can’t determine if terrorism is involved.” That must be in answer to a question. If they have no one in custody, how could they know who is involved

  18. Something about checking a church. And some middle-eastern women in a car.

    They also have a suspect on a roof. They mentioned maybe he will jump, and that they are sitting ducks. They are evacuating 2 buildings at that scene.

  19. Fuck off Larry you gaybo loser!!
    You and your fairy friends will be running down the street squealing like girls when the only people who have guns are muzzies! And guess what Larry?! Dey gonna catch you!! Have you learned how to fly yet Larry?!

    I should delete this but you just pissed me off. And so is your gay buddy Barry!

  20. This sounds like someone who had a hard-on for San Berdoo County, was in a meeting on the second floor, and left, then returned with two others and opened fire.

    These guys clearly had an agenda but I do not think this is muzzie related at this point.

  21. …and all of this takes place in HEAVILY gun controlled California – with UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.

    Duh….how could this happen????? Derp, Derp…

    Because all gun control is ILLEGAL and the efficacy of universal background checks are utter bullshit.

    Fences only keep HONEST PEOPLE out.

  22. Obama is so clueless!!! The commie state of California has strict gun laws and look how much good they did!

    Had the victims had the right to DEFEND themselves with weapons of their own, perhaps, things would have been different! Plus knowing potential victims might be armed may have deterred the cranks.

    Obama needs to stop the commie rhetoric, because his infantile words are laughably transparent.

  23. Because you’re educated.

    Many years ago, I was almost fired from a proofreading job because the doofus client kept spelling it San Bernadino and I kept sending the galleys back with it corrected to San Bernardino.

    The city was named after ST. BERNARD, dummies!

  24. Remind me again why we gutted the 4th Amendment, allowing the NSA/DHS/etc. to shove their pervy noses into our lives, wasting uncounted billions of dollars in the process?

    Either the these agencies are useless, and had no clue this event was going to happen – or they knew full well, and allowed it to happen because it advanced Obama’s treasonous campaign against the 2nd Amendment.

    Either way, these agencies needs to be shuttered. They are more dangerous to us then any external enemy will ever be.

  25. Following this story is very frustrating. First heard the story leaving work at 5:40 p.m.EST. Now it’s 9:00 p.m. EST, and Fox is reporting that two suspects were “killed or captured.” Really? They couldn’t tell which?

    I would prefer some real information as opposed to hearing Obama bloviating on gun control, or whether or not Planned Parenthood is somehow a factor in today’s events.

  26. “…or whether or not Planned Parenthood is somehow a factor in today’s events” or climate change/ global warming/ climate disruption/ climate scam-du-jour.

  27. Rosalind – I’m hip. Every Martin I’ve ever met has been an uncompromsing asshole. Ever.Single. One.

    It’s like the name predestines you to Major Assholishness.(see Spaceballs the movie)

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