The Dark Triad – IOTW Report

The Dark Triad

Personality researchers have been studying the interrelationship between narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy since the claim in the late 90s that they were pretty much interchangeable.


 Called the Dark Triad, people with these traits get things done (for themselves) but they don’t make very good friends (or presidents).

 You can test your “dark triadness” with this quick personality test —>



50 Comments on The Dark Triad

  1. “Infrequently vile

    You are infrequently vile – you mostly put others before yourself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines.”

    I would like to see Hilzebub take that test. It would register “VILE CUNT” right before exploding.

  2. Oh NOOoooo. I’m shockingly saintly with only 25% machiavellianism. Please kiss my ring and rub my feet – peons.
    Guess I’m just toooo good to be here. Thought I’d at least have some vile in me. Or is that P & V.

  3. It is funny to see the comments and people making jokes. Sometimes we have to do that.

    An ex family member was a true sociopath. It was a nightmare growing up with this person and dealing with her up until three years ago when I could finally cut myself off. Sociopathy is not a mental disorder and can not be used as a defense in a trial. Sociopaths know right from wrong and know that they are doing wrong. Sociopaths think they are superior to others, they think they are smarter than others, and they love to manipulate others…..manipulation is a game they love to play. They like to create chaos and problems for others.

    I took the test as if I were the sociopath I grew up with. The results were all three almost 100%.
    Sociopaths are very dangerous. They can pass lie detector tests because they are so emotionally detached and believe they never do anything wrong. If anything goes wrong because of the sociopath, the sociopath blames the victim, blames anything and everything. Deny, deny, deny is what they do.

    I am convinced that Obama and Soros are true sociopaths.

  4. The first time I answered I was Infrequently vile.
    Didn’t like the implication of being vile.

    Later I took it again and came up Shockingly saintly…..

    I am no saint.

    Like most I’d give you the shirt off my back.
    But if you try to forcefully take it, I’ll break your arm.

    I guess I was more honest the first time I took the test.

    It appears I am in good honest company who can be unpleasant if abused or violated. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

  5. “Like most I’d give you the shirt off my back.
    But if you try to forcefully take it, I’ll break your arm.” Me too. So how I came up shockingly saintly, I don’t know. Gonna have to take test again. It’s kind of fun.

    Has anyone taken the test with barky’s actions in mind?

  6. I just took the test as my cat = decidedly dastardly!
    She turns out to be a psychotic, Machiavellian, narcissist!

    The other day a study of house cats was in the news. The conclusion was that your cat is plotting to kill you.


  7. I’m thinking most of us here treat good people in a supportive way and will thwart bad people when we have opportunity.

    I think it’s like “fighting fire with fire”. If we have to get nasty to dispel a present evil in front of us then it’s an option and survival instinct says “take it”.

    Like being a bouncer in one’s own life. You have to be Infrequently vile to maintain the peace.

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